Sunday, August 1, 2021



Many of you lack integrity that's why God cannot trust you with His blessings and wealth. Please if this message touches you, please try and change and be a better person in life.

■ What is the meaning of integrity?

Many of you are victim of this message today. You will say yes now and say no the next time they ask you. God can't trust you at all.

● Integrity means the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
● Integrity means the state of being whole and undivided.
● Integrity means doing the right thing in a reliable way.
● Integrity means to be very upright in all endeavours of life.
● Integrity means to good virtues and honest in all business deals.
● Integrity means to be straight forward.
● Integrity means to be sincere.
● Integrity means a person who will not disappoint you when you give them responsibility to perform.
● Integrity means when you say yes and people are not afraid.
● Integrity means to live a life of total decision.

Every Christian must walk in the spirit of integrity if you want God to trust you.

The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them. Proverbs 11:3 KJV

Integrity is a spirit from God to help you behave like Him and you need to stir it up until it manifest.

“To the faithful you show yourself faithful; to those with integrity you show integrity. 2 Samuel 22:26 NLT

Integrity goes with your total faithfulness and commitment to God and humanity.

Because of this, make every effort to add integrity to your faith; and to integrity add knowledge; 2 Peter 1:5 GW

Are you aware that your faith works with your integrity, so without that God won't really bless you at all.

And endurance (fortitude) develops maturity of character (approved faith and tried integrity). And character [of this sort] produces [the habit of] joyful and confident hope of eternal salvation. Romans 5:4 AMPC



And if thou wilt walk before me, as David thy father walked, in integrity of heart, and in uprightness, to do according to all that I have commanded thee, and wilt keep my statutes and my judgments: [5] Then I will establish the throne of thy kingdom upon Israel for ever, as I promised to David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man upon the throne of Israel. 1 Kings 9:4-5 KJV

It was the spirit of integrity that sustain the throne for David, now God is telling Solomon too. Are you aware whatever you want God to sustain for you, you need to add integrity to it.


Integrity and honesty will protect me because I wait for you. Psalms 25:21 GW

Judge me, O Yahweh, because I have walked in my integrity, and I have trusted Yahweh and not wavered. Psalms 26:1 LEB

When you walk in integrity, enemies are defeated in your absence.


You will help me, because I do what is right; you will keep me in your presence for ever. Psalms 41:12 GNB

And as for me, thou upholdest me in mine integrity, and settest me before thy face for ever. Psalm 41:12 KJV

Upholds means to guide and guard. You must be truthful at all time, nobody can kill you.


The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them. Proverbs 11:3 KJV

And Abraham journeyed from thence toward the south country, and dwelled between Kadesh and Shur, and sojourned in Gerar. [2] And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, She is my sister: and Abimelech king of Gerar sent, and took Sarah. [3] But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is a man's wife. [4] But Abimelech had not come near her: and he said, Lord, wilt thou slay also a righteous nation? [5] Said he not unto me, She is my sister? and she, even she herself said, He is my brother: in the integrity of my heart and innocency of my hands have I done this. [6] And God said unto him in a dream, Yea, I know that thou didst this in the integrity of thy heart; for I also withheld thee from sinning against me: therefore suffered I thee not to touch her. Genesis 20:1-6 KJV

When you walk in the spirit of integrity, even when you want to make mistakes, God has a way of speaking to our heart. When you operate in the spirit of integrity, you are not afraid.


The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him. Proverbs 20:7 KJV

A righteous person lives on the basis of his integrity. Blessed are his children after he is gone. Proverbs 20:7 GW

So it goes beyond you and it affects your children and your unborn generations and lineage.



Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people: and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders. Isaiah 49:22 KJV


At this, the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent. Finally these men said, “We will never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to do with the law of his God.” Daniel 6:4‭-‬5 NIV

Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him. [5] Then said these men, We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God. Daniel 6:4-5 KJV

If you want to live in integrity, build a standard for yourself.


And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? and still he holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movedst me against him, to destroy him without cause. [9] Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die. Job 2:3,9 KJV

Even with what happened to Job, he refuse to stop going to God and church. Like many of you would have stopped going to church even serving as a church worker in the church because of what has happened to you.

God forbid that I should justify you: till I die I will not remove mine integrity from me. Job 27:5 KJV


Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O most mighty, with thy glory and thy majesty. [4] And in thy majesty ride prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness; and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things. [5] Thine arrows are sharp in the heart of the king's enemies; whereby the people fall under thee. Psalm 45:3-5 KJV

People don't like people who tell them the truth.

The Lord shall judge the people: judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness, and according to mine integrity that is in me. Psalm 7:8 KJV

Don't expect to be love or like you for speaking the truth. They will fight you and destroy your names for telling them the truth. They will say you are full of pride and jealous of how God is helping them. Keep telling the truth. Are you aware that people that speaks the truth don't have many friends at all.


But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. Matthew 5:37 KJV

But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation. James 5:12 KJV

1.) Daniel as a Prophet and Politician. He was never corrupt or stolen money like many politicians are doing in many part of the world.

2.) Job as a business and God's servant. No matter what happened to him, he never turn against God because of what happens to him. He lost his businesses, children, properties and everything yet he stood his ground and his integrity in God.

3.) Abraham as a father of faith. He is a complete package of integrity, ever obedient to God.

4.) David as a King, Priest and Prophet. Even after the his son died, he return back to God and serve him faithfully. 

5.) Esther as Queen and a Jew. She stood her ground for freedom even to the death.

6.)  And you, can you be related to one integrity at all?

Stop taking bride that's not integrity. Stop spreading your legs to get that opportunities and jobs that's not integrity. Stop stealing that money as a politician your children and generations will suffer it that's not integrity.  Stop falsifying documents to get that jobs, that's not integrity. Stop lying on the pulpit men and women of God, that's not integrity.

If you don't have it, cry to God in prayer it is a spirit. God will release it upon you.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. [6] But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. James 1:5-6 KJV

May God use this teachings to shape and reform you again and again. God bless you all, have a nice day.




TEXT: 2 KINGS 2-19:23 

2 Kings tells us that the same anointing that brought blessing, was also the same anointing that brought curses.
When a person becomes a victim of racism, rape, genocide, slave trade and unjust treatment then no one can blame them for praying acidic prayers


1. Acquired enemies
2. Road side enemies
3. Envious enemies
4. Inherited enemies
5. Environmental enemies
6. Transferred enemies
7. Conscious
8.Unconscious enemies
9. Accidental enemies
10. Parental enemies
11. Sibling enemies
12. Sworn enemies
13. Enemies of misfired aggression
14. Relationship enemies
15. Magnetic enemies
16. Enemies of mistaken identity
17. Innocent enemies
18. Dangerous enemies
Dangerous enemies needs dangerous prayers. These dangerous enemies are wicked and they need to be dangerously destroyed.


1. Anointed prayers
2. Assurance prayers
3. Benediction prayers
4. Bodage-breaking prayers
5. Prayer of faith
6. Prayer of petition
7. Prayer of binding and loosing
8. Emergency prayers
9. Defensive prayers
10. Desert prayers
11. Disentanglement prayers
12. Mountain- moving prayers
13. Judgemental prayers
14. Dangerous prayers
15. Wrestling prayers


1. Prophetic anointing
2. Kingly anointing
3. Warrior anointing
4. Priestly anointing
5. Worship anointing
6. Deliverance anointing
7. Prayer anointing


1. Goliath are chasing you
2. You are being pursued by death
3. You are facing difficulties
4. You are being pursued by enemies like Saul, Goliath.
5. When you have sickness that wants to claim your life
6. When your name is on the hit list of the enemy.
7. When domestic / household wickedness are ready to finish you.
8. When you have hidden enemies.
9. When you have aggressive witchcraft.
10. When you are in deep waters of trouble.
11. When you are faced with death.
12. When you have hardened enemies.
13. When you are fishing and catching nothing in the ocean of life.

1. Peace
2. Turnaround breakthrough
3. Upliftment
4. Achievement
5. You will be able to torment your tormentors
6. Oppress your oppressors
7. Locate the forehead of unprotected forehead of your Goliath
Blessed is the destroyer of the enemies, cursed is any one that doeth the work of the lord deceitfully.
Instead of crying and complaining go to a powerful gathering where dangerous prayers are prayed.
8. Uncommon favour


1. Unbelievers are asking where is your God
2. When your marriage is at stake.
3. You have been tied down with sickness and infirmity
4. Things aren’t working out well for you
5. When people are mocking you
6. When people have already concluded that you are finished.
7. When you are confronted with your Jordan.
8. When you are confronted with enemies that are ready to put you to shame.
9. When the Lazarus of your life has been embalmed.
10. When you are told to forsake prayers and holiness.


1. Accept Jesus as your Lord and personal savior
2. Repent from every known sin
3. Separate yourself from the world system
4. Knowledge
5. Be persistent
6. Hatered of God’s enemies


1. Dangerous enemies assigned to rubbish my destiny your time is up die, in the name of Jesus .
2. Strange enemies assigned to afflict my life receive angelic slap in the name of Jesus .
3. Powers saying my battles will not end what are you waiting for die, in the name of Jesus .
4. Powers making my life difficult swell up, burst and die in the name of Jesus .


1. Oh Lord give my enemies basket to be fetching water in Jesus’ name.

2. Innocent blood cry against my enemies till they give up in Jesus’ name.

3. Let the blood of my enemies turn to poison in their bodies in Jesus’ name.

4. The enemy that wants me to feed today and be hungry tomorrow, Oh Lord burst their stomach in Jesus’ name.

5. I smash the head of every strongman troubling my life to the wall of fire in Jesus’ name.

6. The forest my enemies are staying in order to attack me, demons of the forest eat them up in Jesus’ name.

7. Wicked elders that are angry with my goodness, Oh God, let the rage to death in Jesus’ name.

8. Any power trying to tie me to a candle, let the candle burn them to ashes in Jesus’name.

9. Oh God move my enemies from tragedy to tragedy in Jesus’name.

10. Every power writing my name down for evil,let the writer of the name and the book catch fire together in Jesus’name.

11. The enemy setting trap for me,hand of God draw me out of their trap and kill my enemies inside the trap they set up in Jesus’name.

12. Every enemy carrying sacrifice against me Lord command them to eat their sacrifice and die in Jesus’name.

13. The dance of darkness over my life,let that dance turn to madness in Jesus’name.

14. Any wicked power that wants to waste me, Oh Lord announce their obituary in Jesus’name

15. Any power receiving negative training against my life, Oh Lord destruction their brain in Jesus’name.

16. Any wicked one that has buried any animal to change my glory,bury them with their animal in Jesus’ name.

17. Any power that wants good people to forget me, Oh Lord tear their lives apart in Jesus’name.

18. Fire of maggot fall upon my enemies and bring forgetfulness into their brain in Jesus’name.

19. Those mocking me Oh Lord slap them by the mouth and mock them in Jesus’name.

20. Confusion and noise of cry begin to reign in the camp of my enemies in Jesus’name.

21. All those who want my eyes to see evil, violent angels from heaven, throw them inside the evil room of torment in Jesus’name.

22. Any wicked power that says my life will not be pleasant, let them drink the water of torment in Jesus’ name .

23. Every root of hardship in my life, arise and attack your senders in Jesus’ name.

24. Anybody that wants me to sleep and wake up in frustration withdraw them from the land of the living in Jesus’ name.

25. Oh Lord cut short the lives of those monitoring me for evil in Jesus’ name.

26. Oh Lord withdraw mercy away from every aspect of the lives of my enemies in Jesus’ name.

27. Enemies pretending to be friends fire from heaven burn them to ashes in Jesus’ name.

28. Enemies walking up and down to destroy me,Oh Lord destroy them with death in Jesus’ name.

29. Those that are insisting on destroying me, Oh Lord make them mad and blind in Jesus’ name.

30. Every spoiler of destiny begin to eat ashes till you die in Jesus’ name.

31. Holy Ghost throw the stones of confusion upon every enemy of my promised land in Jesus’ name.

32. Any wicked power that says I shall never be the head but tail,stones of death from heaven rain upon them now in Jesus’ name.

33. Powers that want to destroy my family,receive instant death in Jesus’ name.

34. Every satanic alter assigned against my family, let the alter swallow the shriners in Jesus’ name.

35. Any satanic agent making covenant with death against me dust dust of the earth scatter them in Jesus’ name.

36. Every evil gathering against my life,rock of ages grind them to powder in Jesus’name.

37. Powers of darkness that do not want peace to reign in my life die a hot violent death in Jesus’name.

38. Any power that wants to turn my abode to an abode of crying let them cry to death in Jesus’name.

39. Every mandate of evil altar against my life let them backfire in Jesus’ name.

40. Any power assigned to cause go slow in my life, let the spirit of decay fall upon them in Jesus’name.

41. Any wicked personalty that wants to turn my goodness to rag , Lion of Judah, tear them to pieces in Jesus’name.

42. Any evil power turning to animal in order to attack me, divine hunters shoot them to death in Jesus’name.

43. Wicked powers that does not want my testimonies to manifest,let the storm of destruction fall upon them in Jesus’name.

44. Stones of death, stones of fire strike against the strongman blocking my way in Jesus’name.

45. Every evil stone that the enemy is throwing at me, seven folds ,let the stones go back to the senders in Jesus’name.

46. The sacrifice of of the wicked elders carried against me in the midnight, let your fire swallow the wicked elders and the sacrifice in Jesus’name.

47. The enemies attacking my hands so that I will not prosper Oh Lord pour your fire upon their heads in Jesus’name.

48. The sacrifice of elders offered at the grave to put me to shame, bury them inside the same grave in Jesus’name.

49. Powers that wants me to wear the garment of madness run mad and die in Jesus’name.

50. Destiny spoilers, let them sleep the sleep of death in Jesus’name.

51. Any old person using my glory to have long life, Lord beat them to death in Jesus’name.

TEXT: 2 KINGS 2-19:23 

2 Kings tells us that the same anointing that brought blessing, was also the same anointing that brought curses.
When a person becomes a victim of racism, rape, genocide, slave trade and unjust treatment then no one can blame them for praying acidic prayers


1. Acquired enemies
2. Road side enemies
3. Envious enemies
4. Inherited enemies
5. Environmental enemies
6. Transferred enemies
7. Conscious
8.Unconscious enemies
9. Accidental enemies
10. Parental enemies
11. Sibling enemies
12. Sworn enemies
13. Enemies of misfired aggression
14. Relationship enemies
15. Magnetic enemies
16. Enemies of mistaken identity
17. Innocent enemies
18. Dangerous enemies
Dangerous enemies needs dangerous prayers. These dangerous enemies are wicked and they need to be dangerously destroyed.


1. Anointed prayers
2. Assurance prayers
3. Benediction prayers
4. Bodage-breaking prayers
5. Prayer of faith
6. Prayer of petition
7. Prayer of binding and loosing
8. Emergency prayers
9. Defensive prayers
10. Desert prayers
11. Disentanglement prayers
12. Mountain- moving prayers
13. Judgemental prayers
14. Dangerous prayers
15. Wrestling prayers


1. Prophetic anointing
2. Kingly anointing
3. Warrior anointing
4. Priestly anointing
5. Worship anointing
6. Deliverance anointing
7. Prayer anointing


1. Goliath are chasing you
2. You are being pursued by death
3. You are facing difficulties
4. You are being pursued by enemies like Saul, Goliath.
5. When you have sickness that wants to claim your life
6. When your name is on the hit list of the enemy.
7. When domestic / household wickedness are ready to finish you.
8. When you have hidden enemies.
9. When you have aggressive witchcraft.
10. When you are in deep waters of trouble.
11. When you are faced with death.
12. When you have hardened enemies.
13. When you are fishing and catching nothing in the ocean of life.

1. Peace
2. Turnaround breakthrough
3. Upliftment
4. Achievement
5. You will be able to torment your tormentors
6. Oppress your oppressors
7. Locate the forehead of unprotected forehead of your Goliath
Blessed is the destroyer of the enemies, cursed is any one that doeth the work of the lord deceitfully.
Instead of crying and complaining go to a powerful gathering where dangerous prayers are prayed.
8. Uncommon favour


1. Unbelievers are asking where is your God
2. When your marriage is at stake.
3. You have been tied down with sickness and infirmity
4. Things aren’t working out well for you
5. When people are mocking you
6. When people have already concluded that you are finished.
7. When you are confronted with your Jordan.
8. When you are confronted with enemies that are ready to put you to shame.
9. When the Lazarus of your life has been embalmed.
10. When you are told to forsake prayers and holiness.


1. Accept Jesus as your Lord and personal savior
2. Repent from every known sin
3. Separate yourself from the world system
4. Knowledge
5. Be persistent
6. Hatered of God’s enemies


1. Dangerous enemies assigned to rubbish my destiny your time is up die, in the name of Jesus .
2. Strange enemies assigned to afflict my life receive angelic slap in the name of Jesus .
3. Powers saying my battles will not end what are you waiting for die, in the name of Jesus .
4. Powers making my life difficult swell up, burst and die in the name of Jesus .


1. Oh Lord give my enemies basket to be fetching water in Jesus’ name.

2. Innocent blood cry against my enemies till they give up in Jesus’ name.

3. Let the blood of my enemies turn to poison in their bodies in Jesus’ name.

4. The enemy that wants me to feed today and be hungry tomorrow, Oh Lord burst their stomach in Jesus’ name.

5. I smash the head of every strongman troubling my life to the wall of fire in Jesus’ name.

6. The forest my enemies are staying in order to attack me, demons of the forest eat them up in Jesus’ name.

7. Wicked elders that are angry with my goodness, Oh God, let the rage to death in Jesus’ name.

8. Any power trying to tie me to a candle, let the candle burn them to ashes in Jesus’name.

9. Oh God move my enemies from tragedy to tragedy in Jesus’name.

10. Every power writing my name down for evil,let the writer of the name and the book catch fire together in Jesus’name.

11. The enemy setting trap for me,hand of God draw me out of their trap and kill my enemies inside the trap they set up in Jesus’name.

12. Every enemy carrying sacrifice against me Lord command them to eat their sacrifice and die in Jesus’name.

13. The dance of darkness over my life,let that dance turn to madness in Jesus’name.

14. Any wicked power that wants to waste me, Oh Lord announce their obituary in Jesus’name

15. Any power receiving negative training against my life, Oh Lord destruction their brain in Jesus’name.

16. Any wicked one that has buried any animal to change my glory,bury them with their animal in Jesus’ name.

17. Any power that wants good people to forget me, Oh Lord tear their lives apart in Jesus’name.

18. Fire of maggot fall upon my enemies and bring forgetfulness into their brain in Jesus’name.

19. Those mocking me Oh Lord slap them by the mouth and mock them in Jesus’name.

20. Confusion and noise of cry begin to reign in the camp of my enemies in Jesus’name.

21. All those who want my eyes to see evil, violent angels from heaven, throw them inside the evil room of torment in Jesus’name.

22. Any wicked power that says my life will not be pleasant, let them drink the water of torment in Jesus’ name .

23. Every root of hardship in my life, arise and attack your senders in Jesus’ name.

24. Anybody that wants me to sleep and wake up in frustration withdraw them from the land of the living in Jesus’ name.

25. Oh Lord cut short the lives of those monitoring me for evil in Jesus’ name.

26. Oh Lord withdraw mercy away from every aspect of the lives of my enemies in Jesus’ name.

27. Enemies pretending to be friends fire from heaven burn them to ashes in Jesus’ name.

28. Enemies walking up and down to destroy me,Oh Lord destroy them with death in Jesus’ name.

29. Those that are insisting on destroying me, Oh Lord make them mad and blind in Jesus’ name.

30. Every spoiler of destiny begin to eat ashes till you die in Jesus’ name.

31. Holy Ghost throw the stones of confusion upon every enemy of my promised land in Jesus’ name.

32. Any wicked power that says I shall never be the head but tail,stones of death from heaven rain upon them now in Jesus’ name.

33. Powers that want to destroy my family,receive instant death in Jesus’ name.

34. Every satanic alter assigned against my family, let the alter swallow the shriners in Jesus’ name.

35. Any satanic agent making covenant with death against me dust dust of the earth scatter them in Jesus’ name.

36. Every evil gathering against my life,rock of ages grind them to powder in Jesus’name.

37. Powers of darkness that do not want peace to reign in my life die a hot violent death in Jesus’name.

38. Any power that wants to turn my abode to an abode of crying let them cry to death in Jesus’name.

39. Every mandate of evil altar against my life let them backfire in Jesus’ name.

40. Any power assigned to cause go slow in my life, let the spirit of decay fall upon them in Jesus’name.

41. Any wicked personalty that wants to turn my goodness to rag , Lion of Judah, tear them to pieces in Jesus’name.

42. Any evil power turning to animal in order to attack me, divine hunters shoot them to death in Jesus’name.

43. Wicked powers that does not want my testimonies to manifest,let the storm of destruction fall upon them in Jesus’name.

44. Stones of death, stones of fire strike against the strongman blocking my way in Jesus’name.

45. Every evil stone that the enemy is throwing at me, seven folds ,let the stones go back to the senders in Jesus’name.

46. The sacrifice of of the wicked elders carried against me in the midnight, let your fire swallow the wicked elders and the sacrifice in Jesus’name.

47. The enemies attacking my hands so that I will not prosper Oh Lord pour your fire upon their heads in Jesus’name.

48. The sacrifice of elders offered at the grave to put me to shame, bury them inside the same grave in Jesus’name.

49. Powers that wants me to wear the garment of madness run mad and die in Jesus’name.

50. Destiny spoilers, let them sleep the sleep of death in Jesus’name.

51. Any old person using my glory to have long life, Lord beat them to death in Jesus’name.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The Woman with the Issue of Blood

The Woman with the Issue of Blood

So desperate for healing, she ignored the conventions of the day for the chance to touch Jesus.

To have suffered a chronic illness that isolated her from others. 

That after long years of suffering, she finally found
peace and freedom. 

Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34; Luke 8:43-48



Any woman who has suffered through "an issue of blood" knows the difficulties and the debilitating effects of the disease. When blood flows freely and frequently instead of in its regular monthly pattern, women endure not only the untidiness of the condition but can also experience a loss of strength and weight.

The woman in this story suffered from such a haemorrhage for twelve long years. She was probably weak and thin. Because of the ritual uncleanness that surrounded such a condition, she most likely didn't often go out in public. Imagine twelve years of this:

When a woman has a discharge of blood for many days at a time other than her monthly period or has a discharge that continues beyond her period, she will be unclean as long as she has the discharge, just as in the days of her period. Any bed she lies on while her discharge continues will be unclean, as is her bed during her monthly period, and anything she sits on will be unclean, as during her period. Whoever touches them will be unclean; they must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening. -LEVITICUS 15:25-27

A woman was considered unclean for a mere seven days when she had her regular period (Leviticus 15:19). This woman, however, bore not only the inconvenience but also the curse of being unclean for twelve years. Anyone and anything she touched became unclean. Imagine: She gives her husband a plate of food and their hands touch - he's unclean. She gives her neighbor a hand with her laundry and their hands touch - she's unclean. Anything she sits on at home becomes unclean, as does anything she sits on at a neighbor's home or in public. Before long, everyone is aware of her uncleanness and no one wants to be around her. 

Many different conditions could have caused this woman's ailment: fibroid tumors, an infection, a hormone imbalance. Whatever the cause, the doctors she had seen over the years had taken all of her money but given no relief. With the forthrightness and compassion that are characteristic of the gospel writer Mark, he says this woman "had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors." In fact, at times their cures were probably worse than her sickness. Still, no matter how much money she spent or how much agony she endured, her sickness seemed impossible to cure. Until she met the God of the impossible.

What doctors couldn't do, Jesus could. No repulsive or painful remedies. No visits to doctors more interested in financial gain than in her cure. With just a soft, loving touch of his coat, she was cured. Healed. Freed. Immediately!

The glory of Christ is that he succeeds where others fail. He brings healing when doctors say none is possible. He offers forgiveness when the heart says it can never be forgiven. He extends comfort when the agony is too great to carry, and peace when all is chaos. He presents the possible after twelve years of impossibility.


God promises to heal us. That statement may seem to fly in the face of the many who have suffered from illness and disability for years, but we need to remember that our concept of healing is not necessarily the same as God's. For some, healing may not take place here on earth. True healing - the healing that will cure even those who don't suffer from any particular physical ailment here on earth - will take place not here but in heaven. There, God promises the ultimate healing from our sickness, our disabilities, our inclination to sin.

Promises in Scripture

I am the LORD, who heals you.
-EXODUS 15:26

O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me.
-PSALM 30:2

Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits - who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.-PSALM 103:1-4

They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.


When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, "If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed." -MARK 5:27-28

Mark 5:21-34

That his touch produces peace and freedom.

That faith is a gift that increases with use.

Any tendency to play it so safe you actually begin to suffocate the faith you have.

To bring this woman's story to mind the next time you are faced with an opportunity to exercise real faith.

Lift Your Heart

Trying to live the Christian life without faith is like trying to eat a steak with a straw, or kissing someone without using your lips, or propelling an airplane with foot pedals. It doesn't nourish you, never thrills you, and won't get you anywhere. If you feel the spark of faith fading, ask God to take the little you have and fan it to flame. 

Father, forgive my little faith
_Make it big
_Reduce my ego
_Make it small
_Give me a chance
_To touch you and be touched
_No matter how foolish
_No matter how frightened
_No matter how strange I feel.
_Fan my small spark into a brightness
_Lighting the way ahead.


Pray it like you mean it, and God will not fail to provide you with opportunities to exercise your faith.

Monday, July 5, 2021



Before looking at the purpose and meaning of these Ten magnificent laws of love, it should be noted that there really is only ONE passage we need to know that demonstrates the unchanging, eternal nature of ALL the Ten Commandments. 

Matthew 5:17-18 reads, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till Heaven and Earth Pass, one jot or one tittle shall in No Wise Pass from the Law, till all be fulfilled.”

The purpose of the Ten Commandments is to point out sin as Paul informs us in Romans 7:7 and note Paul is expressing this long after the cross. Below you will find more on the meaning of each commandment.


The Creator of the universe declares He is our God and our deliverer and asks us to demonstrate our love for Him by having no other God's. The First Commandment is the first of a series of four that define our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Establishing, developing and maintaining that personal relationship with the true and living God is the most important commitment we can ever make. 

That is the primary focus of the first of the Ten Commandments, You shall have no other gods before Me. We should love, honour and respect Him so much that He alone is the supreme authority and model in our lives. He alone is God. We should allow nothing to prevent us from serving and obeying Him.


The one and only true God loves us so much that He is jealous of our love and does not want to share our love by us bowing down to meaningless idols. The Second Commandment goes to the heart of our relationship with our Creator. It deals with several crucial questions. How do we perceive God? How do we explain Him to ourselves and to others? Above all, what is the proper way to worship the only true God? The Second Commandment is a constant reminder that only we, of all created things, are made in the image of God. Only we can be transformed into the spiritual image of Christ, who of course came in the flesh as the perfect spiritual image of our heavenly Father. This Commandment protects our special relationship with our Creator, who made us in His likeness and is still moulding us into His spiritual image.


God asks us to respect His Holy name and not to use it in vain. The Third Commandment focuses on showing respect. It addresses the way we communicate our feelings about God to others and to Him. It encompasses our attitudes, speech and behaviour. Respect is the cornerstone of good relationships. The quality of our relationship with God depends on the love and regard we have for Him. It also depends on the way we express respect for Him in the presence of others. We are expected always to honour who and what He is. 

Conversely, the use of God's name in a flippant, degrading or in any way disrespectful manner, dishonours the relationship we are supposed to have with Him. This can vary from careless disregard to hostility and antagonism. It covers misusing God's name in any way. The Hebrew name for “vain” is “shaw” and means vanity, falsehood, iniquity and emptiness. Simply summed up, “shaw” means showing disrespect and this is what we do when we take God's name in vain.


God starts off the fourth Commandment with the word “Remember”. This is because He knew we would forget it. God asks that we keep it set apart for Holy purposes so we can draw nearer to Him. 

The Fourth Commandment to remember the Sabbath concludes the section of the Ten Commandments that specifically helps define a proper relationship with God, how we are to love, worship and relate to Him. It explains why and when we need to take special time to draw closer to our Creator. It is also a special sign between us and God forever, that it is Him that sanctifies us Him alone we belong to and worship. The Sabbath, the seventh day of the week was set apart by God as a time of rest and spiritual rejuvenation. 

So why is this Commandment so frequently ignored, attacked and explained away by so many? Could it be because the challenges to the Sabbath Commandment are views generated by the ruler of this present evil world? After all, this being wants us to accept these views because he hates God's law. He does all he can to influence us to ignore, avoid and reason our way around it. On our calendar the Sabbath day begins at sunset Friday evening and ends at sunset Saturday evening.


God instructs us to show love for our parents by honouring them. The Fifth Commandment introduces us to a series of Commandments that define proper relationships with other people. The fifth through to the 10th serve as the standards of conduct in areas of human behaviour that generate the most far reaching consequences on individuals, families, groups and society. 

Families are the building blocks of societies that build strong nations. When families are fractured and flawed, the sad results are tragic and reflected in newspaper headlines every day. Any individual or group, including whole nations that understand the importance of strong families reap the rewards of an improved relationship and blessings from God. The Fifth Commandment shows us from whom and how the fundamentals of respect and honour are most effectively learned. It guides us to know how to yield to others, how to properly submit to authority and how to accept the influence of mentors. 

That is why the apostle Paul wrote, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first Commandment with promise: that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth” Ephesians 6:2-3.


God asks us to demonstrate love and not hate towards others by not murdering. We must learn to control our tempers. Taking another person's life is not our right to decide. That judgment is reserved for God alone. That is the thrust of this Commandment. 

God does not allow us to choose to wilfully or deliberately take another person's life. The Sixth Commandment reminds us that God is the giver of life and He alone has the authority to take it or to grant permission to take it. God wants us to go far beyond avoiding murder. He requires that we not maliciously harm another human being in word or deed. 

This is why John wrote, “Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him” 1 John 3:15. God desires that we treat even those who choose to hate us respectfully and do all within our power to live in peace and harmony with them. He wants us to be builders, not destroyers of good relationships. To accomplish this we must respect this wonderful gift of this precious possession, human life.


God asks us to express and demonstrate our love for our partner by not committing adultery. Adultery is the violation of the marriage covenant by wilful participation in sexual activity with someone other than one's spouse. Since God's law sanctions sexual relationships only within a legitimate marriage, the command not to commit adultery covers in principle, all varieties of sexual immorality. No sexual relationship of any sort should occur outside of marriage. That is the crux of this Commandment. 

Most of us need the support and companionship of a loving spouse. We need someone special who can share our ups and downs, triumphs and failures. No one can fill this role like a mate who shares with us a deep love and commitment. Society suffers because we have lost the vision that God had for marriage from the beginning. 

Marriage is not a requirement for success in pleasing God. But it is a tremendous blessing to couples who treat each other as God intended. Most people desire and need the benefits that come from a stable marriage. To return to what God intended, we must give marriage the respect it deserves.


God instructs us to show our love and respect for others by not stealing what belongs to them. The Eighth Commandment safeguards everyone's right to legitimately acquire and own property. 

God wants that right honoured and protected. His approach to material wealth is balanced. He wants us to prosper and enjoy physical blessings. He also expects us to show wisdom in how we use what He provides us and He does not want possessions to be our primary pursuit in life. 

When we see material blessings as a means to achieve more-important objectives, God enjoys seeing us prosper. To Him it is important that generosity rather than greed motivate the choices we make. Because they are qualities of His own character, He asks that we, from the heart, put giving and serving ahead of lavishing possessions on ourselves.


God says if we love others we should not deceive or lie to them. How important is truth? The Bible says that Jesus is “the way and the Truth” John 14:6. To fully appreciate the Ninth Commandment with its prohibition of lying, we must realize how important truth is to God. Jesus Christ said of God the Father, “Your word is truth” John 17:17. The Bible throughout teaches that “God is not a man, that He should lie” Numbers 23:19. As the source of truth, God requires that His servants always speak truthfully. Under God's inspiration, King David wrote, “…LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbour no wrong and casts no slur on his fellow-man, who despises a vile man but honours those who fear the LORD, who keeps his oath even when it hurts” Psalms 15:1-3, NIV. God expects truth to permeate every facet of our lives. Everything in the life of a Christian is anchored to truth. God wants us as His children, to commit ourselves to truth and reflect it in everything we do.


God instructs us not to covet because He knows it can entrap us into even greater sin. To covet means to crave or desire, especially in excessive or improper ways. 

The Tenth Commandment does not tell us that all of our desires are immoral. It tells us that some desires are wrong. Coveting is an immoral longing for something that is not rightfully ours. That is usually because the object of our desire already belongs to someone else. 

But coveting can also include our wanting far more than we would legitimately deserve or that would be our rightful share. The focus of the Tenth Commandment is that we are not to illicitly desire anything that already belongs to others. The opposite of coveting is a positive desire to help others preserve and protect their blessings from God. We should rejoice when other people are blessed. 

Our desire should be to contribute to the well being of others, to make our presence in their lives a blessing to them. The last of the Ten Commandments is aimed directly at the heart and mind of every human being. In prohibiting coveting, it defines not so much what we must do but how we should think. It asks us to look deep within ourselves to see what we are on the inside. As with each of the previous nine Commandments, it is directed toward our relationships. It specifically deals with the thoughts that threaten those relationships and can potentially hurt ourselves and our neighbours. 

Therefore, it is fitting that the formal listing of these Ten foundational commands, which define the love of God, should end by focusing on our hearts as the wellspring of our relationship problems. From within come the desires that tempt us and lead us astray.



Though a pagan queen like Jezebel, she prized wisdom above power. She appears to have been intellectually gifted, with a good head for business and diplomacy. 

That her quest for wisdom was rewarded beyond HER expectations.

1 Kings 10:1-13; Matthew 12:42



Four and a half tons of gold - and that was just part of the gift the Queen of Sheba gave to Solomon when she visited him in Jerusalem. She had probably heard of his riches as well as his wisdom and knew that no puny gift would do; something magnificent was in order. Imagine a caravan of camel after camel entering Jerusalem, bearing gifts for Solomon. A camel could carry about two hundred pounds when traveling through the desert (a staggering four hundred pounds plus its rider on shorter, less strenuous journeys). That means forty-five camels were required to carry just the gold! 

Most personal meetings in ancient cultures included gift giving. A visit to someone's home required bringing along a gift for the host or hostess. Even chance encounters in the desert included gift exchanges (Genesis 14:18-20). Gift giving in ancient cultures was also a way of expressing submission to someone who was in a superior position, whether in government, in the military, or in religious life. At times, a gift might be given to gain favor or even to bribe someone.

The Queen of Sheba wasn't the only one who brought gifts to Solomon; so many brought gifts of "silver and gold, robes, weapons and spices, and horses and mules" that in Solomon's time silver was "as common in Jerusalem as stones" (1 Kings 10:23-27). But the most famous gifts in the Bible were those given by the Magi to the child Jesus (Matthew 2:11). 

The New Testament writers often talked about the gifts we give not to each other but to God. No gift, no matter how small, is displeasing to God if it is given with a generous and cheerful heart. In fact, Jesus praised the widow who gave only two small coins because she gave all she had out of a heart of love for God, contrasting her with others who gave a small amount of their wealth, often grudgingly (Luke 21:1-4). More important to God than the size of our gifts is the condition of our hearts when we give (2 Corinthians 9:7).

Greater and finer and more thrilling than any gift we can give to each other or to God are the gifts he gives to us. Solomon, in the midst of all his wealth and wisdom, thanked God for the gift of a good and simple life: satisfying work to do, peaceful rest at night, a bit of happiness (Ecclesiastes 3:13; 5:19). Matthew quotes Jesus telling his followers of God's wonderful care of us and his willingness to give us good things: "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" (Matthew 7:11).

But the crowning touch, the gift worth more than all the gold in the world, is the gift God so lovingly and willingly gave us of eternal life through his Son (Romans 6:23). No thank-you note required; just a life of gratitude to God. In the words of Paul. "Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!" (2 Corinthians 9:15).


The Queen of Sheba was a wealthy and influential ruler whose nation dominated commercial trading in the Middle East at that time. She must have had a certain measure of wisdom, or at least intelligence, to rule such a country. Still, she had questions, many of them, and she sought out the region's famed King Solomon, depending on his wisdom for answers. Solomon didn't disappoint her; she went away satisfied.

Do you have any questions that need answers? Questions about yourself? About things that have happened in your life? About the will of God? About God's love for you? If you do, go to the source of all wisdom, God himself, for answers. When you diligently seek him, he doesn't always give clear answers, but he will give peace. And you will go away satisfied. He promises.

Promises in Scripture

And I - in righteousness I will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness.
-PSALM 17:15

O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you.... My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.
-PSALM 63:1,8

Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.... Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.
-PSALM 90:12, 14

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; those who seek find; and to those who knock, the door will be opened.
-MATTHEW 7:7-8


How happy your men must be! How happy your officials, who continually stand before you and hear your wisdom! Praise be to the LORD your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on the throne of Israel! Because of the LORD's eternal love for Israel, he has made you king, to maintain justice and righteousness.
-1 KINGS 10:8-9

1 Kings 10:1-13. 

For his generosity 

For God's wisdom working through others.

Any tendency to trust too much in your own wisdom without seeking godly counsel.

To pour out wisdom on leaders in the church and in the government so that his ways are honored in your family, community, and nation.

Lift Your Heart

Think about the gifts the Queen of Sheba lavished on Solomon - the perfume, spices, precious stones, and gold - as tangible acknowledgments of his greatness. Yet Solomon was only a man. What can you lavish on the One who is far greater than he? You can be generous with your praise, telling God everything you love about him. You can be generous with your time, going out of your way to help those in need. You can be generous with your trust, acting and praying in a way that shows your confidence in God's goodness and power. You can be generous with your money, giving what you can from your small hoard. This week, don't be stingy. Think of at least one extravagant way to express your awe and your affection for God. 

Jesus, everything I've heard about you is true, but I didn't believe it until you showed yourself to me. Then I realized I hadn't been told the half of it. Your wisdom, mercy, power, and kindness exceed everything I've ever heard. How happy are the women who belong to you! I praise the Father for delighting in you and placing you above everything and everyone. Because of the Lord's eternal love, he has made you our King.

Monday, June 28, 2021



HER CHARACTER: Generous and hospitable, she was a wealthy and capable woman who showed great kindness to one of God's prophets. 

To lose the son that had been promised her.

To experience just how deep God's faithfulness goes.

2 Kings 4:8-37; 8:1-6



Elisha stayed for a meal at the Shunammite woman's house after she "urged" him to do so. He felt so well taken care of, so comfortable, and so at home that he made a habit of coming to her home whenever he was in the area - often enough that the woman asked her husband to have a special room added just for Elisha.

Hospitality played an important role in the lives of the people of the Middle East. Desert travel was strenuous, and Holiday Inns hadn't yet been invented. When travelers came to a town at the end of the day, they would stop in the town's center or near the town gates and wait for an invitation for the night. If no invitation came, they would spend the night outside.

Hosts were responsible not only to feed and provide sleeping arrangements for their guests but also were expected to ensure the safety of the guests, protecting them from robbery and harm (Genesis 19:8). When meals were served, the host acted as a servant, serving the guests and watching over their needs. If one guest was particularly favored over another, he or she would be served an extra large or extra special portion of the food (Genesis 43:34).

Examples of hospitality are plentiful in the Scriptures. Abraham made a sumptuous meal for the three strangers who visited him (Genesis 18), preparing bread, a tender calf, curds, and milk. Rebekah practiced a basic form of hospitality when she offered water to Abraham's servant and his animals (Genesis 24:15-21). Solomon fed everyone in his palace, plus aliens and visitors to the region. His list of daily provisions in 1 Kings 4:22 provides a picture of what was required to feed a staggering number of people. Nehemiah not only refused to demand "the food allotted to the governor," he also generously fed at least 150 people each day (Nehemiah 5:17-18).

Six times the New Testament exhorts believers to be hospitable. There's no talk of fatted calves or extravagant dinners in these passages, just a simple exhortation to make sure you care for those around you. As Romans 12:13 puts it, "Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality." You never know, you just might entertain angels without knowing it (Hebrews 13:2)!


The Shunammite woman knew there was hope even in the most devastating of circumstances. She had been promised a son when she was barren, and now she tenaciously held on to that promise even though her little son lay dead on Elisha's couch. "It's all right", she said to her husband, knowing full well that their boy was gone. The God who had given her the promise wasn't gone. She knew he wouldn't forsake her.

"It's all right." Can you express that sentiment even when your world is crashing in on you? Perhaps not. Remember, however, that even in the most agonizing of circumstances, even when you feel abandoned, even when tragedy strikes - God is there. Trust his word and gain assurance from the Shunammite woman who, in the midst of appalling circumstances, could say, "It's all right."

Promises in Scripture

God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?-NUMBERS 23:19

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles.-2 CORINTHIANS 1:3-4

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ.

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful -HEBREWS 10:23


"About this time next year," Elisha said, "you will hold a son in your arms. 2 Kings 4:16

REFLECT ON: 2 Kings 4:8-37

That he never overlooks even a small kindness performed out of love for him.

For the kindness you have experienced at the hands of others.

Your tendency to overlook others' needs because you are so focused on your own.

To make you jealous for opportunities to care for
others in basic and practical ways. 

Lift Your Heart

The Shunammite woman is a wonderful example of someone who anticipated Jesus' words to his disciples to "seek first his [the Father's] kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33). Like the lilies of the field, she didn't worry about God's provision and so experienced it abundantly. Ask for an opportunity this week to perform an act of practical kindness or hospitality for someone else. Consider lending your prayers, your gifts, and your energy on a regular basis to a group or ministry working to bring justice to those most in need of it.

Father, show me someone's need today. Then help me break out of my own small world and find a way to show your love to that person.

Thursday, June 24, 2021



Though extremely poor, she is one of the most great hearted people in the Bible. Just after warning his disciples to watch out for the teachers of the law, who devour widows' houses, Jesus caught sight of her in the temple. He may have called attention to her as a case in point.

To be alone, without a husband to provide for her.

To surrender herself to God completely, trusting him to act on her behalf.

Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4


Two tiny coins. Mark identifies them as two Greek lepta, tiny copper coins worth less than a penny.

Coins didn't come into use in Israel until after the people returned from exile between 500 and 400 BC. Before that time people bartered, exchanging produce, animals, and precious metals for goods and services. A woman might barter a flask of oil for a new robe or the wool from a lamb for a new lamp.

By Jesus' day, a large variety of coins had come into use in Palestine. New Testament Jews used coins from Rome and Greece as well as their own Jewish form of coinage. The temple tax had to be paid in Jewish currency - in shekels. Money changers set up their businesses in order to change other coinage into shekels for temple worshipers, then, adding insult to injury, cheating their customers. Jesus was not opposed to the operation of such businesses, but to their dishonesty and to their operation within the temple itself. He furiously scattered them, declaring that his Father's house was a house of prayer, not a business site (Matthew 21:12-13).

While money is necessary for life in most cultures, the Bible warns against placing more importance on it than it should rightfully have. The widow who gave all she had furnishes us with the best example of recognizing the need for money - she had money, although very little - but also the need to hold it lightly - she willingly and lovingly gave it away. Peter warns us not to be "greedy for money" (1 Peter 5:2), and the writer to the Hebrews admonishes us to keep our "lives free from the love of money and be content with what [we] have" (Hebrews 13:5). When writing to Timothy, Paul penned those famous, and often misquoted, words about money: "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs" (1 Timothy 6:10).

The pervasive lure of money and what it can provide - the need to have more and do more and get more - is probably more prevalent in our culture than in any other in history. Christians are just as susceptible to its enticements as anyone else. Money drives an effective and forceful wedge between our Savior and us. Jesus knew that and pointedly reminded us with these words: "No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money" (Luke 16:13).


Earlier, God had promised Abraham he would spare the city of Sodom if he could find only ten righteous people in it, but not even ten could be found. So God sent his angels to Sodom to rescue Lot and his family (Genesis 18) from the coming destruction. Hesitant to the last minute, the angels had to take Lot, his wife, and his two daughters by the hand and lead them out of the city.

Did God know Abraham was thinking of Lot when he begged for the cities to be spared if fifty, forty-five, thirty, twenty, only ten righteous people could be found? Was God's mercy extended to Lot for love of Lot or for love of Abraham? We don't know. But we do know God's mercy was available for Lot and his family. And his mercy is available to you as well, even in the worst of times, the most difficult situations, the hardest of circumstances. He's there, stretching out his hand to lead you to safety.

Promises in Scripture

The men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the LORD was merciful to them -GENESIS 19:16

He will show you mercy [and] have compassion on you.-DEUTERONOMY 13:17

Remember, O LORD, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old.
-PSALM 25:6

"I will frown on you no longer, for I am merciful," declares the LORD, "I will not be angry forever,"-JEREMIAH 3:12

Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything - all she had to live on."-MARK 12:43

REFLECT ON: Mark 12:41-44.

PRAISE GOD: For judging not by outward appearances but as one who sees the heart.

OFFER THANKS: For blessings of money, time, energy, and emotional resources.

CONFESS: Any tendency to act as though your security depends more on you than it does on God.

ASK GOD: To make you a generous woman with the faith to believe that even small gifts are worth giving.

Lift Your Heart

This week, think of an area of your life that feels particularly empty or impoverished. You may be lonely, financially stretched, or worried about the future. Whatever it is, pray about it. Listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit. Is God inviting you to do something to express your trust? What kind of offering would be the most pleasing to him? Once you hear his voice, go ahead and give him what his heart desires.

Father, you are the source of every blessing. This week, help me to give, not only out of my wealth, but out of my poverty. Remind me that I belong to you, body and soul, heart and mind, past, present, and future.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

How To Identify A False Prophet/Religious Leader and False Religious Sects!

How To Identify A False Prophet/Religious Leader and False Religious Sects!

In this turbulent end times, it is necessary to always be spiritually discerning in order to identify false prophets/religious leaders who are pretending as genuine servants of Lord Jesus Christ. Don't be deluded by false prophets/religious leaders.

A religious sect refers to a group of people with different religious beliefs typically regarded as heretical from those of a larger group to which they belong. 

A religious sect may share some overarching beliefs with other Christian denominations but has its own beliefs, traditions and rituals as well.

A religious cult or sect can be broadly defined as formal religious veneration or a system of religious beliefs and its body of adherents or a religion regarded as unorthodox (spurious).

A religious cult or sect also refers to great devotion to a particular person, object or idea as well as group of people united by devotion or allegiance to an artistic or intellectual movement or figure.

A typical religious sect or cult has a charismatic, unaccountable religious leader, persuades by coercion and exploit its members, economically, sexually or in some other ways.

What are the most common features shared by religious cults or sects?

1. Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability

A charismatic leader, who increasingly becomes an object of worship as the general principles that may have originally sustained the group lose power. 

That is a living religious leader, who has no meaningful accountability and becomes the single most defining element of the group and its source of power and authority. 

2. A process of indoctrination or education is in use that can be seen as coercive persuasion or thought reform commonly called brainwashing. 

The culmination of this process can be seen by members of the group often doing things that are not in their own best interest, but consistently in the best interest of the group and its leader.

3. Economic, sexual and other exploitation of group members by the false religious leader and the ruling coterie. 

The destructiveness of religious cults varies by degree, from labor violations, child abuse, medical neglect to, in some extreme and isolated situations, calls for violence or mass suicide.

¶ What are the warning signs of a potentially unsafe religious group or false religious leader?

1. Self-Righteousness: There is a general tendency for dependence on gifted spiritual leaders, who by claiming to speak for “God” put themselves above question and perceived to be “holy” perpetually. 

Also, view of truth changes from what is honest to what is in the interest of the deluded religious group. 

In essence, the false religious group or false prophet/religious leader is always right or perfect without any blemish (self-righteousness).

2. Loss of Freedom and Perversion:
Through gradual manipulation, individual thoughts, feelings and choices are increasingly replaced by group thoughts, feelings and decisions. 

Also, there is a tendency for loss of conscience as the deluded religious group and its leadership draw the new members into perverted behaviors (often sexual) that destroy moral courage.

3. Bait-and-Switch Tactic: The grand delusion of deceptive religious sects is usually the adjustment of expectations from what was originally promised to what is received. 

This pervasive tendency end up in betraying the trust of the deluded followers. 

4. Manipulative Dependence: Through chanting and singing, new members are manipulatively subjected to constant repetition, which blocks their rational thought processes. 

The false prophet/spiritual leader demands absolute submission to his control and the deluded followers are taught to accept without question the revelations and interpretations of their false spiritual leader.

5. Induced Fear: The pervasive tendency of deceptive religious sects is that negative thoughts or doubts about the particular religious group or its false spiritual leader are said to be soul-threatening. 

Therefore, anyone leaving the false religious group is warned about harsh consequences, loss of eternal life and reward or untimely death.

6. Manipulative Mind Control: New members are tactically conditioned to stop thinking and to accept without question the revelations and doctrines of their false spiritual leader. 

The self-respect of the new members is manipulatively broken down through persuading them to share their innermost secrets with the group.

7. Intense Love Bombing: Committed sect members tactically give new prospects an overwhelming sense of acceptance, belonging and significance by “bombing” them with flattery, touching, hugging and false feeling of communal love. 

Through removal of privacy, new recruits are not left alone to discover their own thoughts.

8. Isolation Strategy: New recruits of deceptive religious sects are usually isolated from their real family members, close friends and News media in order to screen out opposing points of view. 

9. Family Perception: Within a deceptive religious sect, there is often an intense sense of identity and “family” perception. 

Perceived “family members” are viewed as “brothers and sisters,” united against the outside world.

Their unity is not found in Lord Jesus Christ, however, but in their false spiritual “father,” mentor and sole teacher.  

10. False Biblical Emphasis: Some deceptive religious sects give much attention to Bible study. However, their biblical learning is often carefully orchestrated by clever leaders who provide their own false interpretation of Scriptures. 

The deluded members are warned about reading authors who are outside of their secluded religious group.

11. Religious Exclusivism: Deluded members of deceptive religious sects often develop the false belief that they alone have been entrusted with the truth. Therefore, the opportunity to be a part of a select group of God’s chosen servants is attractive.

12. False Indoctrination: A distinct mark of many deceptive religious sects is their use of sophisticated methods of recruitment and coercive persuasion. 

This ensures the breaking down of individual thinking rather than allowing new converts to make decisions of faith based on their own sense of good judgment. 

Through peer-group pressure, potential converts are subjected to intense persuasion by fellow sect members.

13. No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry.

14. No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget or expenses, such as an independently audited financial statement.

15. Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies and persecutions. 

16. There is no legitimate reason to leave the false religious group. Former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.

17. Former members of false religious groups often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances.

18. There are records, books, news articles, or broadcast reports that document the abuses of the false religious group or false religious leader.

19. Deluded followers of a false prophet/religious leader feel they can never be good enough or perfect if they leave the false religious group.

20. The false religious group or false religious leader is the exclusive means of knowing perceived “truth” or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible.

In conclusion, it is vital not to fall victim to hypocritical spiritual leaders who describe themselves as something they are not, as they try to deceive many people with persuasive words. 

As ravening wolves in sheep clothing, they often disguise themselves as representatives of Lord Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 11:13-15), however, later on, they show themselves to be serving the grand deceiver known as Lucifer or Satan (2 Corinthians 11:4).   

 Author: Evangelist Olusola Awolaja



◾There Is Hope For You:

One of the greatest gifts that God gives to all girls and boys from birth is "Virginity" 

....for girls, their virginity is more obvious because it can easily be established by physical examination — but that of boys is less obvious .

Virginity is a precious gift and it deserves to be preserved  — Whoever is able to persevere his or her own and safely hands it over to his wife or to her husband become a highly rated husband or wife . 

Most men and women will like to marry a virgin — To marry a virgin is like getting a new car that nobody else has used 

.....such a car is far above any second-hand car — It's fresh from the maker - undefiled, untouched and clean .

That is why even the most wayward man  wants to marry a virgin and the worst corrupt girl wants a man that is purely for her alone .

Although virginity is precious.......
It has proved very difficult for many boys and girls to preserve. If you kept your own until now — well, thank God for your life.

▪️You are a special girl or boy.
▪️ you are fortunate and I pray that God will help you to continue to keep it to his glory, in Jesus name.

Now, many have lost their own even before it was time for them to marry — In case you are one of them — I have good news for you ! 

Dear, you can still regain your virginity!

I will tell you how but before I Evangelist  Paulinus Paul do that, .... let us find out who is a virgin and see various types of virgins.


The Oxford Dictionary defines a virgin as "a person (especially, a woman) who has never had sexual intercourse — It's also means untouched and not yet used.

From this simple definition we can deduce that a boy can also be a virgin though it's more commonly used for women.

Generally, anybody who has not had sexual intercourse is a virgin — But, this isn't the only types of virgins .

There are basically two types of virgins in the sight of God — a person can become a virgin in two ways namely :

♻️ Virgin By Birth (Physical Virgin) and.. 

♻️ Virgin By A New Birth (Spiritual Virgins)

Now, you can be a virgin by any of these means... 

 1️⃣ VIRGIN BY BIRTH (Physical Virgin) 

Every body is born a virgin. A Virgin by Birth is any girl or boy who has never had sexual intercourse from Birth — for a boy, this is difficult to determine but for a girl, who is a virgin, her virginity is established by examining the opening that leads to her Vagina.

A sheet of membrane called the hymen covers that opening from birth. It only has a little opening for the girl to pass urine or menstrual flow.

Once a girl has her first sexual intercourse, the hymen is torn or ruptured by the man's penis — from that time onwards the person stops being a virgin  — The hymen continues to tear, especially during childbirth.

The hymen also get torn when a girl masturbates — It can also be medically removed.

The tearing of the hymen during the first intercourse can cause minor pains and lead to drops of blood — a wife uses this bloodstain as evidence to prove her virginity.

In the old testament, any girl who could not prove this would be treated as a non-virgin — She would be stoned to death for being promiscuous (Leviticus 22:13—21)

To lose one's virginity is a disgraceful thing — It was punishable by death in the old testament. At that time it was only the actual act of sexual intercourse that can deflowered a person.

Now, The New Testament standard is higher . 

In the New Testament a person can be a virgin by birth technically but actually a non-virgin 

According to the New Testament, fornication can be committed by mere sight 

Jesus said " ... But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart — (Matthew 5:28).

If you want to be a virgin according to Jesus standard you must avoid all kinds of lust — You must avoid such things as kissing , pornography, caressing and other lustful act with opposite sex.

If you have engaged in these immoral living, even if your hymen is still intact, you are not a spiritual virgin because God still punish immorality.

⚠ Be Warned!

2️⃣ REGAINED VIRGINITY (Spiritual Virgin):

As I said, you could regained your virginity, even if you have had sexual intercourse before , even if you have lived a wayward life in the past, even if you are already married and have some children, and even if you have been a prostitute before now —you can regain your virginity.

Yes Sis, it's possible! 

Bro.. Did you know how I was able to found out?

Let see the confirmation.. ..

. ... "And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible —("Mark 10:27)

......"I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. He asked me,  "son of man, can these bones lived?  I said, "O sovereign LORD, you alone know" ....Then he said to me... Says to them, "Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD!

 This is what the sovereign Lord says to these bones .. I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin. I will put breath in you and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD"

.... They came to life and stood up on their feet — a vast army 
— (Ezekiel 37:2-6 & 10)

Now, if God can make dry bones to lived again and add tendons, does, skin and breath to the bones — then he can restore your virginity if you want him to because with him nothing is impossible.

He has restored multitude of others and he can do the same to you today. 

Now, let me tell you how? 

You can regain your virginity by the new birth. This is called "BORN AGAIN"

When a person is Born Again, he goes into Christ and Christ goes into him,  The person becomes regenerated and totally transformed. He or she becomes a new person entirely . 

The scriptures explained what happens to such a person... 

...." Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new — (2nd Corinthian 5:17)

....."Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently ..... Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever — (1 Peter 1:22-23).


When a person is Born Again, he is a completely new person. 

Although he still bears his or her former name and his height and complexion remain the same... He or she is changed.

A new person enters his former body. That person is CHRIST .

God recreates that person and gives him a new beginning. That person's opinion about life will change.  His desires change and his character changes — he becomes completely new inside .


When a person is Born Again his or her old life is gone. God changes his or her records — He or she stops living in his or her past sins. If he used to be a thief he would stop stealing. 

If she was a harlot she would stop prostitution — Once this change takes place  God says.. 

....." For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more — (Hebrews 8:12)

......" old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new — (2nd Corinthians 5:17)

If you have lost your virginity in the past, it's one of the old things that have passed away — Your hymen that was broken is already broken, but spiritually you are a newborn child .

As a new born child you are therefore a spiritual virgin. God treat you as a virgin.

Thank God for giving us the opportunity for a new beginning — Each new day, each new week and each new month is an opportunity for a new beginning.

Since a Born Again person is a new Born baby because of the new birth — if the person is able to keep himself pure from the date or time of being Born Again he becomes  a virgin spiritually.

Even now, you too can become a Spiritual Virgin if you decide today to keep your body pure for Jesus and for your spouse — Keep your virginity! 

Do not lose it for any reason because very soon you too will be glorified.

Spiritual virginity is the highest and the best level of virginity.

....Two Things Makes It Special.

1️⃣ Firstly,.... this is the type of virginity that qualifies you for Heaven — being a Spiritual Virgin means you have kept your body pure and undefiled (or by women)

It makes you part of the Bride of Christ — You will be a part of the Heavenly wedding called "The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb"

......" And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth ..... Let us be gladden and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready — (Rev 19:6-7)

....."For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie — (Rev 22:15 ).

Spiritual Virginity makes you a part of a great multitude — The Bride Of Christ .

In fact, it's better that a person isn't a physical virgin but a spiritual virgin instead of being a physical virgin without being a spiritual virgin  — if you are physical Virgin but still commit others sin's, you are classified as dog's — You have no part in the wedding above.

2️⃣ .....Secondly, spiritual Virginity cannot be taken away by marriage or by age — You can remain a spiritual virgin even after you are married .

Sexual relationship with your spouse will not make you a non-virgin 

 — This is because it's God who has approved that enjoyment.

It's written... 

....." Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life of thy vanity, which he hath given thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity: for that is thy portion in this life, and in thy labour which thou takest under the sun — (Eccl 9:9).

....." Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth..... Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love — (Prov 5:18-19)

A man who has properly married a wife cannot defile himself by enjoying life with his wife — A woman cannot defile herself by enjoying life with her husband, provided they are properly married — God approves such!

Thus, a married person may not be a virgin physically, but he can still be a virgin spiritually — A person who married 10 or 20 years ago can still be a virgin today, if he keeps himself undefiled by the world.

However if you certainly knew, you are engrossed or already entangled into below sinful  lifestyles.

... Dear, you need to earnestly do something about your life today because you are "HAVE BEEN DEFILED AND NO LONGER A VIRGIN before the sight of the Almighty Creator 


If you wish to become a Virgin and remain a Virgin in the sight of God  to make HEAVEN — you must accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour today because tomorrow is never promised — You must restitute and confess all your sin unto God and also ensure you joined “ A Bible Believing Church for more spiritual growth”

However, if you are a Christian and still indulges into various kinds of sins such as......

Envy, anger, unforgiveness, lying, hatred, malice, murmuring, gossiping, stealing, taking or giving bribe, exams malpractice, fraud, smuggling and robbery.

Perhaps you into masturbation, fornication, adultery, prostitution, Lusting after Money and sexual immoralities, abortion, lesbianism, homosexuality, kidnapping, ritual killings and assassination — You must confess and repent today.

Perhaps you into drunkenness, fighting and quarreling, alcoholism, smokers, divorcee, polygamous marriage, occultism —Consultaton of native doctors for charms making — Praying in the name of Mary or any Saints or Angels, Bowing Down or Honouring Them — You must renounce all these abominables and plead for God's mercy because you have already been defiled.

Sister's who are given up into vile affection "Changing The Natural Use Of Their Body Into That Which Is Against Nature" Therefore indulging themselves into......

▪️Hair Attachments.
▪️women trousers 
▪️ nails polished 
▪️eyes lashes
...... (Romans 1:26).

Dressing nudity, short skirts, exposing cleavage with transparent dresses to Seduce men..

You must repent, dispose and burnt  them off and ensure you maintain your natural beauty because unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Please repent now before it becomes too late!

Remember; your soul is precious and was costly purchase by the Blood of Jesus Christ and you can't afford to lose "yours" in Hell for the next billions and trillions of years in Eternity with eternal sorrow, tears, anguish and hopeless of ever coming-out due to mere pleasure and fashion of this world that PASSETH-AWAY which you can easily forsakes NOW and run to Heaven.

Oh Heaven —  a place of an everlasting joy, without tears, sorrow and neither pains but rather filled with happiness and God's glory.

Please my beloved, "Don't Miss Heaven" and I pray to see you in that Glorious City very soon.


Dear Lord Jesus Christ; I admit that I am a sinner. I have done many things that don’t please you. I have lived my life for myself only. I am sorry, and I repent. I ask you to forgive me. I believe that you died on the cross for me, to save me.

You did what I could not do for myself. I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life; I give it to you. From this day forward, help me to live every day for you and in a way that pleases you. I love you, Lord Jesus, and I thank you that I will spend all eternity with you in Jesus name i pray. Amen