Sunday, August 1, 2021



Many of you lack integrity that's why God cannot trust you with His blessings and wealth. Please if this message touches you, please try and change and be a better person in life.

■ What is the meaning of integrity?

Many of you are victim of this message today. You will say yes now and say no the next time they ask you. God can't trust you at all.

● Integrity means the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
● Integrity means the state of being whole and undivided.
● Integrity means doing the right thing in a reliable way.
● Integrity means to be very upright in all endeavours of life.
● Integrity means to good virtues and honest in all business deals.
● Integrity means to be straight forward.
● Integrity means to be sincere.
● Integrity means a person who will not disappoint you when you give them responsibility to perform.
● Integrity means when you say yes and people are not afraid.
● Integrity means to live a life of total decision.

Every Christian must walk in the spirit of integrity if you want God to trust you.

The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them. Proverbs 11:3 KJV

Integrity is a spirit from God to help you behave like Him and you need to stir it up until it manifest.

“To the faithful you show yourself faithful; to those with integrity you show integrity. 2 Samuel 22:26 NLT

Integrity goes with your total faithfulness and commitment to God and humanity.

Because of this, make every effort to add integrity to your faith; and to integrity add knowledge; 2 Peter 1:5 GW

Are you aware that your faith works with your integrity, so without that God won't really bless you at all.

And endurance (fortitude) develops maturity of character (approved faith and tried integrity). And character [of this sort] produces [the habit of] joyful and confident hope of eternal salvation. Romans 5:4 AMPC



And if thou wilt walk before me, as David thy father walked, in integrity of heart, and in uprightness, to do according to all that I have commanded thee, and wilt keep my statutes and my judgments: [5] Then I will establish the throne of thy kingdom upon Israel for ever, as I promised to David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man upon the throne of Israel. 1 Kings 9:4-5 KJV

It was the spirit of integrity that sustain the throne for David, now God is telling Solomon too. Are you aware whatever you want God to sustain for you, you need to add integrity to it.


Integrity and honesty will protect me because I wait for you. Psalms 25:21 GW

Judge me, O Yahweh, because I have walked in my integrity, and I have trusted Yahweh and not wavered. Psalms 26:1 LEB

When you walk in integrity, enemies are defeated in your absence.


You will help me, because I do what is right; you will keep me in your presence for ever. Psalms 41:12 GNB

And as for me, thou upholdest me in mine integrity, and settest me before thy face for ever. Psalm 41:12 KJV

Upholds means to guide and guard. You must be truthful at all time, nobody can kill you.


The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them. Proverbs 11:3 KJV

And Abraham journeyed from thence toward the south country, and dwelled between Kadesh and Shur, and sojourned in Gerar. [2] And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, She is my sister: and Abimelech king of Gerar sent, and took Sarah. [3] But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is a man's wife. [4] But Abimelech had not come near her: and he said, Lord, wilt thou slay also a righteous nation? [5] Said he not unto me, She is my sister? and she, even she herself said, He is my brother: in the integrity of my heart and innocency of my hands have I done this. [6] And God said unto him in a dream, Yea, I know that thou didst this in the integrity of thy heart; for I also withheld thee from sinning against me: therefore suffered I thee not to touch her. Genesis 20:1-6 KJV

When you walk in the spirit of integrity, even when you want to make mistakes, God has a way of speaking to our heart. When you operate in the spirit of integrity, you are not afraid.


The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him. Proverbs 20:7 KJV

A righteous person lives on the basis of his integrity. Blessed are his children after he is gone. Proverbs 20:7 GW

So it goes beyond you and it affects your children and your unborn generations and lineage.



Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people: and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders. Isaiah 49:22 KJV


At this, the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent. Finally these men said, “We will never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to do with the law of his God.” Daniel 6:4‭-‬5 NIV

Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him. [5] Then said these men, We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God. Daniel 6:4-5 KJV

If you want to live in integrity, build a standard for yourself.


And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? and still he holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movedst me against him, to destroy him without cause. [9] Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die. Job 2:3,9 KJV

Even with what happened to Job, he refuse to stop going to God and church. Like many of you would have stopped going to church even serving as a church worker in the church because of what has happened to you.

God forbid that I should justify you: till I die I will not remove mine integrity from me. Job 27:5 KJV


Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O most mighty, with thy glory and thy majesty. [4] And in thy majesty ride prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness; and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things. [5] Thine arrows are sharp in the heart of the king's enemies; whereby the people fall under thee. Psalm 45:3-5 KJV

People don't like people who tell them the truth.

The Lord shall judge the people: judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness, and according to mine integrity that is in me. Psalm 7:8 KJV

Don't expect to be love or like you for speaking the truth. They will fight you and destroy your names for telling them the truth. They will say you are full of pride and jealous of how God is helping them. Keep telling the truth. Are you aware that people that speaks the truth don't have many friends at all.


But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. Matthew 5:37 KJV

But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation. James 5:12 KJV

1.) Daniel as a Prophet and Politician. He was never corrupt or stolen money like many politicians are doing in many part of the world.

2.) Job as a business and God's servant. No matter what happened to him, he never turn against God because of what happens to him. He lost his businesses, children, properties and everything yet he stood his ground and his integrity in God.

3.) Abraham as a father of faith. He is a complete package of integrity, ever obedient to God.

4.) David as a King, Priest and Prophet. Even after the his son died, he return back to God and serve him faithfully. 

5.) Esther as Queen and a Jew. She stood her ground for freedom even to the death.

6.)  And you, can you be related to one integrity at all?

Stop taking bride that's not integrity. Stop spreading your legs to get that opportunities and jobs that's not integrity. Stop stealing that money as a politician your children and generations will suffer it that's not integrity.  Stop falsifying documents to get that jobs, that's not integrity. Stop lying on the pulpit men and women of God, that's not integrity.

If you don't have it, cry to God in prayer it is a spirit. God will release it upon you.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. [6] But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. James 1:5-6 KJV

May God use this teachings to shape and reform you again and again. God bless you all, have a nice day.




TEXT: 2 KINGS 2-19:23 

2 Kings tells us that the same anointing that brought blessing, was also the same anointing that brought curses.
When a person becomes a victim of racism, rape, genocide, slave trade and unjust treatment then no one can blame them for praying acidic prayers


1. Acquired enemies
2. Road side enemies
3. Envious enemies
4. Inherited enemies
5. Environmental enemies
6. Transferred enemies
7. Conscious
8.Unconscious enemies
9. Accidental enemies
10. Parental enemies
11. Sibling enemies
12. Sworn enemies
13. Enemies of misfired aggression
14. Relationship enemies
15. Magnetic enemies
16. Enemies of mistaken identity
17. Innocent enemies
18. Dangerous enemies
Dangerous enemies needs dangerous prayers. These dangerous enemies are wicked and they need to be dangerously destroyed.


1. Anointed prayers
2. Assurance prayers
3. Benediction prayers
4. Bodage-breaking prayers
5. Prayer of faith
6. Prayer of petition
7. Prayer of binding and loosing
8. Emergency prayers
9. Defensive prayers
10. Desert prayers
11. Disentanglement prayers
12. Mountain- moving prayers
13. Judgemental prayers
14. Dangerous prayers
15. Wrestling prayers


1. Prophetic anointing
2. Kingly anointing
3. Warrior anointing
4. Priestly anointing
5. Worship anointing
6. Deliverance anointing
7. Prayer anointing


1. Goliath are chasing you
2. You are being pursued by death
3. You are facing difficulties
4. You are being pursued by enemies like Saul, Goliath.
5. When you have sickness that wants to claim your life
6. When your name is on the hit list of the enemy.
7. When domestic / household wickedness are ready to finish you.
8. When you have hidden enemies.
9. When you have aggressive witchcraft.
10. When you are in deep waters of trouble.
11. When you are faced with death.
12. When you have hardened enemies.
13. When you are fishing and catching nothing in the ocean of life.

1. Peace
2. Turnaround breakthrough
3. Upliftment
4. Achievement
5. You will be able to torment your tormentors
6. Oppress your oppressors
7. Locate the forehead of unprotected forehead of your Goliath
Blessed is the destroyer of the enemies, cursed is any one that doeth the work of the lord deceitfully.
Instead of crying and complaining go to a powerful gathering where dangerous prayers are prayed.
8. Uncommon favour


1. Unbelievers are asking where is your God
2. When your marriage is at stake.
3. You have been tied down with sickness and infirmity
4. Things aren’t working out well for you
5. When people are mocking you
6. When people have already concluded that you are finished.
7. When you are confronted with your Jordan.
8. When you are confronted with enemies that are ready to put you to shame.
9. When the Lazarus of your life has been embalmed.
10. When you are told to forsake prayers and holiness.


1. Accept Jesus as your Lord and personal savior
2. Repent from every known sin
3. Separate yourself from the world system
4. Knowledge
5. Be persistent
6. Hatered of God’s enemies


1. Dangerous enemies assigned to rubbish my destiny your time is up die, in the name of Jesus .
2. Strange enemies assigned to afflict my life receive angelic slap in the name of Jesus .
3. Powers saying my battles will not end what are you waiting for die, in the name of Jesus .
4. Powers making my life difficult swell up, burst and die in the name of Jesus .


1. Oh Lord give my enemies basket to be fetching water in Jesus’ name.

2. Innocent blood cry against my enemies till they give up in Jesus’ name.

3. Let the blood of my enemies turn to poison in their bodies in Jesus’ name.

4. The enemy that wants me to feed today and be hungry tomorrow, Oh Lord burst their stomach in Jesus’ name.

5. I smash the head of every strongman troubling my life to the wall of fire in Jesus’ name.

6. The forest my enemies are staying in order to attack me, demons of the forest eat them up in Jesus’ name.

7. Wicked elders that are angry with my goodness, Oh God, let the rage to death in Jesus’ name.

8. Any power trying to tie me to a candle, let the candle burn them to ashes in Jesus’name.

9. Oh God move my enemies from tragedy to tragedy in Jesus’name.

10. Every power writing my name down for evil,let the writer of the name and the book catch fire together in Jesus’name.

11. The enemy setting trap for me,hand of God draw me out of their trap and kill my enemies inside the trap they set up in Jesus’name.

12. Every enemy carrying sacrifice against me Lord command them to eat their sacrifice and die in Jesus’name.

13. The dance of darkness over my life,let that dance turn to madness in Jesus’name.

14. Any wicked power that wants to waste me, Oh Lord announce their obituary in Jesus’name

15. Any power receiving negative training against my life, Oh Lord destruction their brain in Jesus’name.

16. Any wicked one that has buried any animal to change my glory,bury them with their animal in Jesus’ name.

17. Any power that wants good people to forget me, Oh Lord tear their lives apart in Jesus’name.

18. Fire of maggot fall upon my enemies and bring forgetfulness into their brain in Jesus’name.

19. Those mocking me Oh Lord slap them by the mouth and mock them in Jesus’name.

20. Confusion and noise of cry begin to reign in the camp of my enemies in Jesus’name.

21. All those who want my eyes to see evil, violent angels from heaven, throw them inside the evil room of torment in Jesus’name.

22. Any wicked power that says my life will not be pleasant, let them drink the water of torment in Jesus’ name .

23. Every root of hardship in my life, arise and attack your senders in Jesus’ name.

24. Anybody that wants me to sleep and wake up in frustration withdraw them from the land of the living in Jesus’ name.

25. Oh Lord cut short the lives of those monitoring me for evil in Jesus’ name.

26. Oh Lord withdraw mercy away from every aspect of the lives of my enemies in Jesus’ name.

27. Enemies pretending to be friends fire from heaven burn them to ashes in Jesus’ name.

28. Enemies walking up and down to destroy me,Oh Lord destroy them with death in Jesus’ name.

29. Those that are insisting on destroying me, Oh Lord make them mad and blind in Jesus’ name.

30. Every spoiler of destiny begin to eat ashes till you die in Jesus’ name.

31. Holy Ghost throw the stones of confusion upon every enemy of my promised land in Jesus’ name.

32. Any wicked power that says I shall never be the head but tail,stones of death from heaven rain upon them now in Jesus’ name.

33. Powers that want to destroy my family,receive instant death in Jesus’ name.

34. Every satanic alter assigned against my family, let the alter swallow the shriners in Jesus’ name.

35. Any satanic agent making covenant with death against me dust dust of the earth scatter them in Jesus’ name.

36. Every evil gathering against my life,rock of ages grind them to powder in Jesus’name.

37. Powers of darkness that do not want peace to reign in my life die a hot violent death in Jesus’name.

38. Any power that wants to turn my abode to an abode of crying let them cry to death in Jesus’name.

39. Every mandate of evil altar against my life let them backfire in Jesus’ name.

40. Any power assigned to cause go slow in my life, let the spirit of decay fall upon them in Jesus’name.

41. Any wicked personalty that wants to turn my goodness to rag , Lion of Judah, tear them to pieces in Jesus’name.

42. Any evil power turning to animal in order to attack me, divine hunters shoot them to death in Jesus’name.

43. Wicked powers that does not want my testimonies to manifest,let the storm of destruction fall upon them in Jesus’name.

44. Stones of death, stones of fire strike against the strongman blocking my way in Jesus’name.

45. Every evil stone that the enemy is throwing at me, seven folds ,let the stones go back to the senders in Jesus’name.

46. The sacrifice of of the wicked elders carried against me in the midnight, let your fire swallow the wicked elders and the sacrifice in Jesus’name.

47. The enemies attacking my hands so that I will not prosper Oh Lord pour your fire upon their heads in Jesus’name.

48. The sacrifice of elders offered at the grave to put me to shame, bury them inside the same grave in Jesus’name.

49. Powers that wants me to wear the garment of madness run mad and die in Jesus’name.

50. Destiny spoilers, let them sleep the sleep of death in Jesus’name.

51. Any old person using my glory to have long life, Lord beat them to death in Jesus’name.

TEXT: 2 KINGS 2-19:23 

2 Kings tells us that the same anointing that brought blessing, was also the same anointing that brought curses.
When a person becomes a victim of racism, rape, genocide, slave trade and unjust treatment then no one can blame them for praying acidic prayers


1. Acquired enemies
2. Road side enemies
3. Envious enemies
4. Inherited enemies
5. Environmental enemies
6. Transferred enemies
7. Conscious
8.Unconscious enemies
9. Accidental enemies
10. Parental enemies
11. Sibling enemies
12. Sworn enemies
13. Enemies of misfired aggression
14. Relationship enemies
15. Magnetic enemies
16. Enemies of mistaken identity
17. Innocent enemies
18. Dangerous enemies
Dangerous enemies needs dangerous prayers. These dangerous enemies are wicked and they need to be dangerously destroyed.


1. Anointed prayers
2. Assurance prayers
3. Benediction prayers
4. Bodage-breaking prayers
5. Prayer of faith
6. Prayer of petition
7. Prayer of binding and loosing
8. Emergency prayers
9. Defensive prayers
10. Desert prayers
11. Disentanglement prayers
12. Mountain- moving prayers
13. Judgemental prayers
14. Dangerous prayers
15. Wrestling prayers


1. Prophetic anointing
2. Kingly anointing
3. Warrior anointing
4. Priestly anointing
5. Worship anointing
6. Deliverance anointing
7. Prayer anointing


1. Goliath are chasing you
2. You are being pursued by death
3. You are facing difficulties
4. You are being pursued by enemies like Saul, Goliath.
5. When you have sickness that wants to claim your life
6. When your name is on the hit list of the enemy.
7. When domestic / household wickedness are ready to finish you.
8. When you have hidden enemies.
9. When you have aggressive witchcraft.
10. When you are in deep waters of trouble.
11. When you are faced with death.
12. When you have hardened enemies.
13. When you are fishing and catching nothing in the ocean of life.

1. Peace
2. Turnaround breakthrough
3. Upliftment
4. Achievement
5. You will be able to torment your tormentors
6. Oppress your oppressors
7. Locate the forehead of unprotected forehead of your Goliath
Blessed is the destroyer of the enemies, cursed is any one that doeth the work of the lord deceitfully.
Instead of crying and complaining go to a powerful gathering where dangerous prayers are prayed.
8. Uncommon favour


1. Unbelievers are asking where is your God
2. When your marriage is at stake.
3. You have been tied down with sickness and infirmity
4. Things aren’t working out well for you
5. When people are mocking you
6. When people have already concluded that you are finished.
7. When you are confronted with your Jordan.
8. When you are confronted with enemies that are ready to put you to shame.
9. When the Lazarus of your life has been embalmed.
10. When you are told to forsake prayers and holiness.


1. Accept Jesus as your Lord and personal savior
2. Repent from every known sin
3. Separate yourself from the world system
4. Knowledge
5. Be persistent
6. Hatered of God’s enemies


1. Dangerous enemies assigned to rubbish my destiny your time is up die, in the name of Jesus .
2. Strange enemies assigned to afflict my life receive angelic slap in the name of Jesus .
3. Powers saying my battles will not end what are you waiting for die, in the name of Jesus .
4. Powers making my life difficult swell up, burst and die in the name of Jesus .


1. Oh Lord give my enemies basket to be fetching water in Jesus’ name.

2. Innocent blood cry against my enemies till they give up in Jesus’ name.

3. Let the blood of my enemies turn to poison in their bodies in Jesus’ name.

4. The enemy that wants me to feed today and be hungry tomorrow, Oh Lord burst their stomach in Jesus’ name.

5. I smash the head of every strongman troubling my life to the wall of fire in Jesus’ name.

6. The forest my enemies are staying in order to attack me, demons of the forest eat them up in Jesus’ name.

7. Wicked elders that are angry with my goodness, Oh God, let the rage to death in Jesus’ name.

8. Any power trying to tie me to a candle, let the candle burn them to ashes in Jesus’name.

9. Oh God move my enemies from tragedy to tragedy in Jesus’name.

10. Every power writing my name down for evil,let the writer of the name and the book catch fire together in Jesus’name.

11. The enemy setting trap for me,hand of God draw me out of their trap and kill my enemies inside the trap they set up in Jesus’name.

12. Every enemy carrying sacrifice against me Lord command them to eat their sacrifice and die in Jesus’name.

13. The dance of darkness over my life,let that dance turn to madness in Jesus’name.

14. Any wicked power that wants to waste me, Oh Lord announce their obituary in Jesus’name

15. Any power receiving negative training against my life, Oh Lord destruction their brain in Jesus’name.

16. Any wicked one that has buried any animal to change my glory,bury them with their animal in Jesus’ name.

17. Any power that wants good people to forget me, Oh Lord tear their lives apart in Jesus’name.

18. Fire of maggot fall upon my enemies and bring forgetfulness into their brain in Jesus’name.

19. Those mocking me Oh Lord slap them by the mouth and mock them in Jesus’name.

20. Confusion and noise of cry begin to reign in the camp of my enemies in Jesus’name.

21. All those who want my eyes to see evil, violent angels from heaven, throw them inside the evil room of torment in Jesus’name.

22. Any wicked power that says my life will not be pleasant, let them drink the water of torment in Jesus’ name .

23. Every root of hardship in my life, arise and attack your senders in Jesus’ name.

24. Anybody that wants me to sleep and wake up in frustration withdraw them from the land of the living in Jesus’ name.

25. Oh Lord cut short the lives of those monitoring me for evil in Jesus’ name.

26. Oh Lord withdraw mercy away from every aspect of the lives of my enemies in Jesus’ name.

27. Enemies pretending to be friends fire from heaven burn them to ashes in Jesus’ name.

28. Enemies walking up and down to destroy me,Oh Lord destroy them with death in Jesus’ name.

29. Those that are insisting on destroying me, Oh Lord make them mad and blind in Jesus’ name.

30. Every spoiler of destiny begin to eat ashes till you die in Jesus’ name.

31. Holy Ghost throw the stones of confusion upon every enemy of my promised land in Jesus’ name.

32. Any wicked power that says I shall never be the head but tail,stones of death from heaven rain upon them now in Jesus’ name.

33. Powers that want to destroy my family,receive instant death in Jesus’ name.

34. Every satanic alter assigned against my family, let the alter swallow the shriners in Jesus’ name.

35. Any satanic agent making covenant with death against me dust dust of the earth scatter them in Jesus’ name.

36. Every evil gathering against my life,rock of ages grind them to powder in Jesus’name.

37. Powers of darkness that do not want peace to reign in my life die a hot violent death in Jesus’name.

38. Any power that wants to turn my abode to an abode of crying let them cry to death in Jesus’name.

39. Every mandate of evil altar against my life let them backfire in Jesus’ name.

40. Any power assigned to cause go slow in my life, let the spirit of decay fall upon them in Jesus’name.

41. Any wicked personalty that wants to turn my goodness to rag , Lion of Judah, tear them to pieces in Jesus’name.

42. Any evil power turning to animal in order to attack me, divine hunters shoot them to death in Jesus’name.

43. Wicked powers that does not want my testimonies to manifest,let the storm of destruction fall upon them in Jesus’name.

44. Stones of death, stones of fire strike against the strongman blocking my way in Jesus’name.

45. Every evil stone that the enemy is throwing at me, seven folds ,let the stones go back to the senders in Jesus’name.

46. The sacrifice of of the wicked elders carried against me in the midnight, let your fire swallow the wicked elders and the sacrifice in Jesus’name.

47. The enemies attacking my hands so that I will not prosper Oh Lord pour your fire upon their heads in Jesus’name.

48. The sacrifice of elders offered at the grave to put me to shame, bury them inside the same grave in Jesus’name.

49. Powers that wants me to wear the garment of madness run mad and die in Jesus’name.

50. Destiny spoilers, let them sleep the sleep of death in Jesus’name.

51. Any old person using my glory to have long life, Lord beat them to death in Jesus’name.