Monday, May 17, 2021




HER CHARACTER: Manipulated by her father, she had little say over her own life circumstances and relationships. But rather than dealing creatively with a difficult situation, Rachel behaved like a perpetual victim, responding to sin with yet more sin, making things worse by competing with her sister, and deceiving her father in return.

HER SORROW: That her longing for children ultimately led to her death in childbirth.

HER JOY: That her husband cherished her and would do what ever was in his power to make her happy.

KEY SCRIPTURES: Genesis 29-35; Jeremiah 31:15; Matthew 2:18



Rachel said to her father, "Don't be angry, my lord, that I can not stand up in your presence: I'm having my period. So [Laban] searched but could not find the household gods" (Genesis 31:35). Rachel's words here are the only mention in Scripture of a typical monthly menstrual cycle, other than the ceremonial laws covering menstruation found in Leviticus and referred to again in Ezekiel.

Rachel knew without a doubt that her ploy would successfully deter her father. By claiming to have her period, she not only kept the false gods she had stolen, she kept her very life, since Jacob had promised to kill whoever had stolen the idols from Laban.

During the time a Hebrew woman had her period, she was considered "unclean," not really surprising considering the untidy nature of a monthly flow, especially in those days, long before the invention of feminine sanitary products. But the laws were more stringent than just to cover the very personal nature of a monthly period. Those who touched a woman at this time, even by chance, became unclean until evening. Wherever the woman slept or sat also became unclean. Anyone who touched her bedding or her seat was considered unclean until they washed their clothes, bathed, and waited until evening.

A woman was considered unclean for seven days, the normal length of a woman's monthly period. She then customarily bathed in order to cleanse herself. This is probably the bath that Bathsheba was taking when spotted by King David (2 Samuel 11:2-4). Since she had just had her period, David could be sure Bathsheba's child was his when she told him she was pregnant (her husband was a soldier off to war).

Many women consider their monthly period, and the discomfort and irritability that often come along with it, a monthly trial-some thing women must bear, and men, lucky creatures, are spared. How ever, it is only through this particular function of her body that a woman can reproduce and carry a child. Although at times messy, at times a nuisance, at times downright painful, only through this process does a woman have the opportunity afforded to no man-the opportunity to bear new life. And in so doing, to be uniquely linked to the Creator of all life.


Genesis 30:22 says, "God remembered Rachel; he listened to her and opened her womb." God _remembered_ Rachel, but he had never really forgotten her. When the Bible uses the word _remember_ it doesn't mean that God forgets and then suddenly recalls - as if the all-knowing, all-powerful God of the universe suddenly says, "Oops! I forgot all about Rachel. I'd better do something quickly!"

No, when the Bible says God remembers something, it expresse God's love and compassion for his people. It reminds us of God promise never to abandon us or leave us without support or relief. He will never forsake us. He will never forget us. He will always _remember_ us.

Promises in Scripture:

Then God remembered Rachel; he listened to her and opened her womb -GENESIS 30:22

Remember, O LORD, your great mercy and love, for they are from long ages past -PSALM 25:6

You understand, O LORD; remember me and care for me -JEREMIAH 15:15

The Mighty One has done great things for me-holy is his name -LUKE 1:49


Then God remembered Rachel; he listened to her and opened her womb.
-GENESIS 30:22

REFLECT ON: Genesis 30:1-24. 

PRAISE GOD: Because he never for a moment forgets about us. He is present and attentive, aware of our deepest desires, even when we're certain he's lost track of us. 

OFFER THANKS: That God alone is the Creator. Because of him, every human life is sacred.

CONFESS: That we sometimes use our children, our husbands, our homes, or even the size of our paychecks to compete with other women.

ASK GOD: To help you form deep and loyal friendships with other women so you can know the joy that comes from being sisters in Christ.

Lift Your Heart

Think of one woman you would like to get to know better in the next few months. Then pick up the phone and spend a little time to chat so you can begin to build a relationship. One expert says it takes an average of three years to form a solid friendship. Don't waste another moment!

Father, forgive me for letting my identity rest on whose wife or mother I am or what kind of job I have. I don't want to view other women as my rivals but as potential friends and even soul mates. Please lead me to the friendships I desire, and help me to be patient with the process. Amen.

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