Friday, May 28, 2021

The Woman of Proverbs 31

The Woman of Proverbs 31

She represents the fulfillment of a life lived in wisdom. 

To be praised by her husband and children as a woman who surpasses all others.

Proverbs 31:10-31



The woman of Proverbs 31 was a real pro at working with fabrics. She started by selecting the wool and flax (verse 13), then spinning it into threads (verse 19). She wove the woolen threads into rich scarlet clothing to keep her family warm in snowy weather (verse 21). She wove the flax threads into linen for bed coverings, for fine clothing for herself, and for clothing and sashes to sell (verses 22, 24).

Traditionally women's work, the spinning and weaving of cloth for clothing, bedding, rugs, and other needs occupied a tremendous amount of the time and talents of Hebrew women. Fibers from plants like cotton and flax or wool from sheep were spun and twisted in order to produce a long thread. That thread could then be used to sew fabrics together with needles made of bone or it could be used to weave new fabric. Weaving, an art that the Hebrews probably perfected while they were in Egypt, was done on a rudimentary loom. 

Sound like a lot of work? It was. The women of a household spent virtually every spare moment on one part or another of the task of making fabrics. The "wife of noble character" in Proverbs 31 works "with eager hands" (verse 13), and it seems as if the spindle and distaff never leave her fingers (verse 19). That's why "she has no fear for her household" (verse 21). Spinning and weaving have kept her busy all the time, but she and her family are ready for the cold weather. 

Does just reading about the Proverbs 31 woman make you tired? Do you wish she would just sit down and rest a moment? Whatever your response to this larger-than-life woman, you can't help but notice that she never wasted the time given her. In our convenient culture of store-bought clothing and fast-food restaurants, you may not need to weave your own cloth or cook your own meals - but that's not the issue. The issue is what you are doing with the time that's been given to you.


Many women find Proverbs 31 discouraging. Don't let that happen to you. Remember, this very capable woman is ultimately praised not so much for all she accomplishes as for one thing: She fears the Lord. The woman who is worthy of praise is not necessarily the one who does all her own sewing or is a great cook or is a natural beauty - the woman who gets the praise is the woman who fears the Lord. That's the target to aim for. Not outward beauty. Not a perfectly decorated home. Not even more intellectual knowledge or business acumen. Instead, aim for a bold, all-consuming love for God. Then you too will be worthy of praise.

Promises in Scripture

The fear of the Lord - that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding -JOB 28:28

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised-PROVERBS 31:30

"Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind"; and, "Love your neighbor as yourself"-LUKE 10:27


For wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her.
-Proverbs 8:11

Proverbs 8:11-36

For the gift of wisdom, which preserves, blesses, and even prolongs our life. 

For the benefits of wisdom you have already tasted in your daily life.

Any tendency to choose the wisdom of the world over the wisdom of God. 

Every day to make you a woman who longs for wisdom, who prefers it to silver and gold. 

Lift Your Heart:
Proverbs is full of pithy statements that contain profound wisdom for daily life. Look through this book of Scripture and select a few favorites, then commit them to memory. Here's a few to get you started:

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
-Proverbs 17:22

Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions.
-Proverbs 18:2

Those who get wisdom love their own lives; those who cherish understanding will soon prosper.
-Proverbs 19:8

Lord, you know better than I the kind of heart in which wisdom grows best - one in which patience, faith, and humility are there to nourish it. Help me cultivate a heart in which wisdom can quickly take root and flourish. Let wisdom be so much a part of my life that it produces a shelter for others.

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