Thursday, June 10, 2021

HELL & DEATH (Rev 1:18)

Min. Mimi 

Seeking the Truth, let the Bible speak and allow the Holy Spirit to teach you 


¶ HELL & DEATH (Rev 1:18)

The word Hell didn’t exist before the 8th century. The NT describes the condition of the dead more than the OT. The words Sheol, Hades, Tartarus and Gehenna are used in reference to hell. (Deut 32:22 & Mat 5:22). 

• Sheol is the Hebrew word for  the place of the dead. It's used 65 times in the Bible. 3 times it referred to the pit. 31 times it referred to the grave and 31 times it referred to hell. 

• Hades is the Greek word for the unseen world. It's used 10 times for hell, and once for grave.

• Tartarus is the Greek word used once for the place of punishment for the most wicked angels in hell. (2Pet. 2:4)

• Gehenna is the Greek word
used 12 times in the NT for hell and the lake of fire. Gehenna in Hebrew is hinnom. It got it's origin from the valley of Hinnomis, outside the south walls of Jerusalem, where some Jews burned their children as an offering to the Ammonite god Molech. It had become a city garbage dump of animal carcasses where people burnt their trash. It has been burning since biblical times and the fire never went out. (Jer 7:31-33, 2Kin 16;3, 2Chro 28:1-3, Lev 18:21, 1Kin  11:5,7,33, Mark 9:43-48, Mat 5:22,29-30, 10:28, 18:9, 23:15,33, Luke 12:5, Jam 3:6).

Some Christians have falsely teach that sheol and hades only refer to the grave. This erroneous teaching leads to the denial of the existence of hell. The false doctrine of soul-sleep and others that teach the unconscious state of the dead before resurrection, spring from this error. 

Grave is a pit where lifeless dead bodies are deposited to corrupt and decay. It can be a hole in the ground, cave, specially prepared vault or other place used for internment. There is no consciousness of the lifeless body in the grave. Queber is the common Hebrew word for grave. In the OT it is used 64 times. 34 times it's used for the grave. 26 times it's used for sepulcher. 4 times it's used for the burying place. 5 times it's used for Kibroth-hattaavah, or graves of lust. (Job 33:22). 

¶ Difference between Sheol (Hell) and Queber (the Grave) as used in the OT

1. The Bible never said that the body goes to sheol. But 37 times the Bible speaks of the body going to queber. 
2. Sheol is never said to be located on the face of the earth. Queber is mentioned 32 times as being located on the earth.
3. An individual’s sheol is never mentioned. An individual’s  queber is mentioned 5 times
4. Man is never said to put anyone into sheol. Individuals are put into a queber by man 33 times.
5. Man is never said to have dug or fashioned a sheol. Man is said to have dug, or fashioned, a queber 6 times.
6. Man is never said to have touched sheol. Man touches, or can touch, a queber 5 times.
7. It is never said that man is able to possess sheol. Man is  able to possess a queber 7 times. 
8. Sheol is never used in plural form. Queber is used in the plural 29 times.

¶ Reference book: (Life and Death by Caleb J. Baker, Bible Institute Colportage Ass’n, 1941).

The above points clearly shows that sheol and queber do not mean the same thing in scripture. Queber is associated with words like quabar a verb meaning to bury or to be buried and Qeburah a noun meaning a grave or place of burial. Quabar and Qeburah shows the difference between Queber as the grave and a burial place and Sheol as hell. There is also Shah-ghath in the OT and  taphos, mnema, and 
mnemeion in the NT to mean grave, ditch, sepulcher, tomb, burial, burying place, destruction, pit, hole or a trap. (Psa 7:15, 16:10, 35:7, 49:9, 55:23, 94:13, Prov. 26:27).

Again the above points refutes the doctrine of soul-sleep, eradication of the soul, the universalism, Purgatory, No hell, Hell is not really that bad, a God of love and grace, Conditionalism and the annihilation of the lost. These are satanic doctrines to dishearten believers and blind the lost to the reality of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and subvert the truth of the immortality of the soul. The soul of man lives on and will always remain conscious after. (Phi 1:21-24, 2Cor 5:6-10)

• Hell is our righteous God's way of demanding absolute justice of the wicked. Hell is a spiritual realm located in the heart of the earth where the dead sinners soul and the wicked angels are thrown. Hell is pits of darkness, an underground location in lower part of the earth with continual terror. Going to hell is a choice not destiny. Souls in Hell are separation from God's kindness, mercy, grace, and goodness. Hell punishment is physical, mental, and emotional. 

Souls in hell are tormented day and night by unquenchable fire, burning, gnashing of teeth, melting away, weeping, chains of darkness, thirsty, covered by worms and maggots, pain, heat, bondage, cut in pieces, flogging, continuously awaiting judgment to the lake of fire. The Bible leads us to conclude that hell is real and even worse than we can imagine. Hell is different from the lake of fire. (Mat 12:40, 13:40-42, Mark 9:42-48, Luke 12:46, Eph 4:9, 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6, Rev 20:10, 2Pt 2:4, Isa 14:4-20, 33:14, Eze 31:14,16,18, 32:18,21,24).

The Bible uses vivid, horrible, and fearsome language in descriptions of the punishment people will suffer in hell. Enough is revealed about hell so that every sane, right thinking person will keep out of that place. Those who protest the biblical doctrine of hell as being excessive betray their inadequate understanding of the gravity of sin against the purity of holiness of God. For sinners to be consigned to anything less than the horrors of eternal punishment would be a miscarriage of justice. Believing the truth about hell will motivates us to persuade people to be reconciled to God. (John 5:28-29, Mat 25:46).

The words hell, sheol, hades or gehenna do not simply refer to a grave. Heaven and hell are real and are sperated by a great fixed gulf preventing anyone on one side from going to the other side. The Bible clearly states that souls of the righteous and the wicked continue to exist in a conscious way after death. Both are alive spiritually and their experience in the intervening period is an anticipation of the different destinies that await them after resurrection and judgment. Abraham and Lazarus were not part of hell. The rich man's soul was in hell torment, but Lazarus and Abraham's souls were in paradise or Abraham’s bosom. 
Also, they were all conscious after death. Because there could not be a conversation between lifeless, decayed corpses if sheol/hades/hell is just a grave. (Luke 16:19-31). 

To those who argue that this is a parable Jesus Christ said that it did take place. Parable by definition is a true to life story used for illustration. Parables have meaning, and is a story that could have actually taken place whether it ever did or not. 

Souls in hell or heaven are aware of what is going on around them. They have memory, recognition, and able to speak there. (Mat 12:40, Psa 16:10, Acts 2:25-32, Isa 14:4-20). The souls of Samuel, Moses and Elijah were conscious and able to speak. (1Sam. 28:8,11-19, Mark 9:4). Jesus promised the thief immediate Paradise not future Paradise nor grave. (Luke 23:43). Jesus Christ's spirit after death was conscious and went to preach and freed captives from hell  prisons. (Eph 4:8-10, 1Pet 3:18-20, Acts 2:27, 31-32, Psa 16:10). Apostle John saw the souls of the martyrs under the altar in heaven speaking (Rev 6:9). Bible clearly states that death and Hell will empty the souls in them into the Lake of Fire. This tells us plainly that after death our lifeless body and the soul separate to different locations not together unconscious in the grave. (Rev 20:13-14).

Hell is different from the lake of fire where the fire is of burning sulfur and brimstone. It is the eternal condemnation of torment for the soul and the body of the wicked. It is a real place of outer darkness originally created by God for Satan and the angels that rebell against God. It's a place of unspeakable agony of an unrelenting eternal punishment for all souls and spirits who rejected Christ, both angelic and human. Every soul and spirit in hell will be thrown into the lake of fire as their final destination. The Lake of fire is bigger than Hell for both death and Hell will be cast there. (Rev 2:11, 19:20, 20:6,14, 10-15, 21:8, Mat 8:12, 10:28, 13:42, 25:30,41,46, 2Pet 2:17).

• Heaven, paradise, and  Abraham’s bosom are all in the presence of God. Jesus used the words Abraham’s bosom and paradise once as a synonym for heaven. Since the Cross, souls who die in Christ do not go to Hell, they go directly to the presence of God in paradise the 3rd heaven. It is a place of peace, rest, and joy. They join with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in consciousness awaiting judgment to their final destination the New Jerusalem.(Luke 16:19-31, 23:43, 2Cor 5:8, 12:2-4, Phi 1:23, Rev 2:7). 

• Death is a spiritual realm with an angel whose operation is due to the penalty of sin. It is the separation of man’s spirit from his body and separation of man from God. Death and Sheol/Hades/Hell are linked together at least 33 times in the Bible. Death shows the distinction between the body and the soul. Death and the grave claims the lifeless body of man and expose it to corruption and decay, while Sheol/Hades/Hell claims the soul for punishment after death. The grave represents the gates of hell. (Job 38:17, Psa 9:13, 16:8-11, 89:48, 107:18, Jer 2:6, 2Cor. 4:16, Acts 2:25-31).

¶ Death could be physical, spiritual and second death.

1. Spiritual death is death of the soul under the power of sin. It is being under the judgment and the condemnation of God. These are both living believers and unbelievers who are disconnected from God and grieving the Holy Spirit due to sin. It is the spiritual separation from Christ. (Gen 2:17, Rom 8:6, 6:23: Eph 2:1-3, Col 2:13 

2. Physical or Biological death 
 is the termination of life. It is the separation of the body from the soul or spirit. Agents of heaven and hell contend over the body then the soul is taken to heaven or hell temporary. (Psa 104:29, Eccl 12:7, Jude 1:9).

3. Second death is the eternal separation of a person from God. It is called the second death because is from the hell punishment to eternal severe pain. Anyone whose name is not in the book of life will face the second death. (Rev 21:8, 2:11, 20:6, 14-25)

To those who believe that God gives endless life even to the wicked should know that, the worms never dies and the fire never quenched both in hell and in the lake of fire. The objects that are being eaten by worms and consumed by fire are the souls of those who rebel against Christ. (Isa 66:24, Mat 10:28, Jam 4:12).

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