Thursday, June 3, 2021

The Woman Who Lived a Sinful Life

The Woman Who Lived a Sinful Life

She was a notorious sinner, possibly a prostitute or adulteress. Rather than trying to defend what was indefensible in her life, she admitted her sin and made a spectacle of herself in a passionate display of love and gratitude.

That she had offended God so grievously.

That Jesus forgave her sins and commended her for her great faith and love.

Luke 7:36-50



The scene in this story is one of about thirteen instances in which Scripture talks about washing one's feet. The sinful woman in this story did the act reserved for the lowest, most inexperienced servant of the household. 

Most people in Palestine wore sandals or went barefoot, so their feet were constantly dirty from the dust of the roads and fields. When they went into a house, they removed their sandals at the door. A good host or hostess made sure guests feet were washed as soon as they entered the home. A basin of cool water and a towel were the only equipment required. After walking on hot dusty roads, the foot washing provided not only clean feet for entering a home but also a refreshing start to a visit.

The fact that foot washing was a task reserved for the lowest servant in the household makes Jesus' act of washing the disciples' feet (John 13) all the more poignant. His simple act shocked them and showed them in the clearest way possible how to be a servant leader. Washing, Touching feet fouled by dust and grime. Kneeling before those who by right should kneel before him!

Not always so easy, is it? Those unpleasant, humble tasks that require little expertise and gain little notice. Scrubbing the kitchen floor at church. Washing the greasy hair of an elderly man who cannot do it for himself. Folding laundry. Tending sick children. What menial chore is on your list of things to do today? It's not the task itself that's important, it's what's in your heart while doing it. Will you accomplish it with thoughts that you were meant to do greater things? Or with a simple love for the one you serve?


Let's be honest. Many of us would respond to this sinful woman just as the Pharisee did. It's so easy to look more with judgement than love at people whose lives have been devastated by sin. But Jesus looked at her and at Simon and saw the same thing: their need for forgiveness. And he gave it freely. We don't know what Simon's response to Jesus was, but the woman's response is evident in her tears and kisses.

This story isn't included in Scripture just so we can see the forgiveness given to one sinful woman; it's included so we can know that no matter how sinful, how broken, how entrenched in error we might be, forgiveness is available if only we seek it in faith - he's promised. 

Promises in Scripture

For the sake of your name, O LORD, forgive my iniquity, though it is great.
-PSALM 25:11

When we were overwhelmed by sins, you forgave our transgressions.
-PSALM 65:3

Everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.
-ACTS 10:43

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace that he lavished on us.

He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.-COLOSSIANS 1:13-14


Therefore I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven - for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little.-LUKE 7:47

Luke 7:36-50.

For the power of forgiveness in your own life.

That God is still ready to forgive you, no matter how frequently or how seriously you have sinned.

Any self-righteousness that has crept into your life.

To protect you against pride, to enable you to see your sins and believe in his desire and power to forgive you.

Lift Your Heart

How long has it been since tears of repentance have washed your soul? Do you find it easier to linger over others' failings than your own? Harsh attitudes toward the notorious sins of others - even the sins of unprincipled politicians or insensitive husbands - will only dry up your love for God.

No matter how long it's been since you committed your life to God, pride has a way of creeping back in, locking you into a black and-white vision of the universe. Remember that the Pharisee was forgiven little, not because his sin was inconsequential but because his repentance was so small. This week, search your heart for any judgments, large or small, you have made against others. Make a list of people who you feel have wronged you. Release your judgments against them and ask God to bless them. Then tear up the sheet as a sign that you are repenting of the judgments you made. The next time you are tempted to judge someone, quickly repeat this exercise in your mind.

Lord, when others rejected me, you embraced me. What was untouchable in me you touched. Make me a woman who loves much, a woman who is not afraid to fall at your feet, bathing them with tears.

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