Friday, April 7, 2023




🍁Preparatory Prayer

Most merciful Lord, with a contrite heart and penitent spirit  I bow down before Thy divine Majesty.  I adore Thee as my supreme Lord and Master.  I believe in Thee, I hope in Thee, I love Thee above all things.  I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, my only and supreme God. I firmly resolve to amend my life; and although I am unworthy to obtain mercy, yet looking upon Thy holy Cross I am filled with peace and consolation.  I will, therefore, meditate on Thy sufferings, and visit the Stations in company with Thy sorrowful Mother and my holy Guardian Angel,  to promote Thy honor and to save my soul. 

I desire to gain all indulgences granted to this holy exercise for myself and for the souls in Purgatory. 

O Loving Jesus,  inflame my cold heart with Thy love, that I may perform this devotion as perfectly as possible,  and that I may live and die in union with Thee. Amen. 

🍁Jesus Is Condemned to Death 

First Station - Jesus is condemned to death

We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.

Reading from the Gospel according to Matthew 27:22-26:

"Pilate said to them, 'Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?' They all said, 'Let him be crucified!' And he said, 'Why, what evil has he done?' But they shouted all the more, 'Let him be crucified!'

So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, released for them Barabbas; and having scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified."


In this station, we see Jesus being condemned to death by Pilate, despite his declaration of innocence. This injustice serves as a reminder of the many times we too have been unjust towards others, through our words and actions. We must pray for the grace to always seek justice and truth, even when it is difficult or unpopular. We should also remember that Jesus willingly accepted his condemnation, out of love for us, in order to redeem us from our sins. Let us offer our gratitude and love to Him, and strive to imitate His selfless love in our own lives.


O Jesus, who willingly accepted condemnation and death, grant us the grace to always seek justice and truth, even when it is difficult. Help us to imitate your selfless love in our own lives, and grant us the strength to remain faithful to you, even in times of trial. We offer this prayer in union with your sorrowful Mother and all the holy angels and saints. Amen.


Preparatory prayer for the Stations of the Cross:

"Dear God, as we prepare to walk the Way of the Cross with your Son, Jesus Christ, we ask for your guidance and strength. Help us to enter into this sacred time of prayer with open hearts and minds, ready to receive your grace and love. Grant us the courage to face the sufferings of Jesus with compassion and humility, and the hope to see beyond the cross to the joy of the Resurrection. May this experience deepen our faith, unite us with your Son, and inspire us to follow him more closely. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen."


The Second Station of the Cross is when Jesus accepts his cross. According to tradition, after being sentenced to death by Pontius Pilate, Jesus was stripped of his clothes and given a heavy wooden cross to carry through the streets of Jerusalem to the site of his execution. This was a common practice for those who were to be crucified. 

The Gospel of John (19:17) describes Jesus carrying his own cross, while the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 27:32, Mark 15:21, Luke 23:26) mention Simon of Cyrene being forced to carry the cross for Jesus. 

In this station, we reflect on Jesus' acceptance of the cross and his willingness to carry it. It is a reminder of the sacrifice that Jesus made for our salvation, and of the importance of taking up our own crosses and following him. It is also a call to embrace suffering and difficulties in our own lives as opportunities for growth and transformation.


🍁Jesus Falls the First Time 

Third Station - Jesus Falls the First Time

Preparatory prayer

Dear Lord, as we begin this meditation on the third station of the cross, we ask for your guidance and wisdom. Help us to enter into this reflection with open hearts and minds, ready to receive your grace and love. May we be inspired by the example of Jesus as he fell under the weight of the cross, and may we learn to persevere through our own struggles and difficulties. We pray that you will be with us during this time of reflection, and that you will guide us on our own journey of faith. 

The Third Station of the Cross is when Jesus falls the first time. This station is traditionally understood as representing the experience of Jesus' human weakness and his willingness to suffer for our sins.

According to tradition, after being sentenced to death, Jesus was forced to carry his cross through the streets of Jerusalem. The weight of the cross, coupled with the physical exhaustion from his previous trials and beatings, caused Jesus to stumble and fall.

This moment is significant because it highlights the humanity of Jesus and his willingness to endure suffering for our salvation. It also shows that even the strongest among us can stumble and fall under great pressure, but that we must strive to get back up and continue our journey.

The lesson from this station is that we should never give up, even in the face of great adversity. We must always remain steadfast in our faith and trust in God's plan for us, no matter how difficult our path may seem.


🍁 Jesus Meets His Blessed Mother 

Fourth Station - Jesus Meets His Blessed Mother

Preparatory prayer

Loving God, as we approach the fourth station of the cross, we ask for your guidance and grace. Help us to enter into this meditation with open hearts and minds, ready to receive your wisdom and love. As we reflect on Jesus meeting his blessed mother, may we be inspired by the depth of their love and the strength of their bond. Help us to see the ways in which we are called to love and care for those who are close to us, and may we learn to trust in your love even in times of great pain and sorrow. We pray that you will be with us during this time of reflection, and that you will guide us on our journey of faith. Amen.

The Fourth Station of the Cross is when Jesus meets his Blessed Mother. This station is an emotional and poignant moment, as it represents the bond between a mother and her son, even in the midst of great suffering.

According to tradition, as Jesus was carrying his cross, he encountered his mother, Mary, who had followed the procession of the condemned. This encounter must have been incredibly painful for both of them, as they knew what was about to happen to Jesus.

Mary had already suffered much throughout her son's life, from the moment of his birth to the time of his crucifixion. But in this moment, she showed remarkable strength and faith, accepting God's will and standing by her son until the very end.

The lesson from this station is the importance of family and the support that loved ones can provide during times of hardship. Mary's presence and support gave Jesus the strength to continue on his journey, and her unwavering faith serves as a model for us all. In our own lives, we should strive to be there for our loved ones in times of need, and to draw strength from the support and love of our families.


🍁 Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry His Cross 

Fifth Station - Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry His Cross

Preparatory prayer

Dear God, as we begin our meditation on the fifth station of the cross, we ask for your presence and guidance. Help us to open our hearts to your love and your wisdom. As we reflect on Simon of Cyrene helping Jesus carry his cross, may we be inspired by the example of Simon's willingness to step in and offer help to Jesus in his time of need. May we also be reminded of the ways in which we are called to offer help and support to those who are struggling or in need. We pray that you will be with us during this time of reflection, and that you will guide us on our journey of faith. Amen.

The Fifth Station of the Cross is when Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry his cross. This station is significant because it shows how sometimes in our moments of weakness and struggle, we need the help of others to continue on our journey.

According to tradition, as Jesus was carrying his cross, he became weak and stumbled under its weight. The Roman soldiers, wanting to move the procession along, selected Simon of Cyrene from the crowd to help Jesus carry the cross.

Simon, a stranger to Jesus, initially resisted but eventually took up the cross and helped Jesus bear its weight. This act of kindness and compassion not only helped Jesus physically, but it also allowed him to rest for a moment and catch his breath.

The lesson from this station is that we must be willing to accept help from others when we need it. We all face moments in our lives when we feel overwhelmed or burdened, and it is important to remember that it is okay to ask for help. Likewise, we should also be willing to lend a helping hand to those in need, just as Simon did for Jesus. By supporting each other, we can make the journey through life a little easier and more bearable.


🍁 Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus 

Sixth Station - Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus

Preparatory prayer

Gracious God, as we approach the sixth station of the cross, we ask for your presence and guidance. Help us to open our hearts to your love and your wisdom. As we reflect on Veronica wiping the face of Jesus, may we be inspired by her selfless act of compassion and kindness. May we also be reminded of the ways in which we are called to offer comfort and care to those who are suffering or in need. We pray that you will be with us during this time of reflection, and that you will guide us on our journey of faith. Amen.

The Sixth Station of the Cross is when Veronica wipes the face of Jesus. This station represents an act of compassion and love in the face of suffering.

According to tradition, as Jesus was carrying his cross, Veronica, a woman in the crowd, saw that he was covered in sweat and blood. Moved by compassion, she approached Jesus and offered him a cloth to wipe his face. Jesus accepted the cloth, and in doing so, his image miraculously appeared on the cloth, known as the Veil of Veronica.

This moment is significant because it shows the power of simple acts of kindness and compassion. Veronica's act of wiping Jesus' face showed her love and empathy for him in his moment of suffering. And Jesus, in turn, blessed her with a miraculous image of himself.

The lesson from this station is that even small acts of kindness and compassion can have a profound impact. When we show love and empathy towards others, even in small ways, we can make a difference in their lives. We should strive to be kind and compassionate towards everyone we encounter, just as Veronica did for Jesus, and trust that our actions will have a positive impact, even if we may not see it right away.


🍁Jesus Falls the Second Time 

Seventh Station - Jesus Falls the Second Time

Preparatory prayer

Loving God, as we approach the seventh station of the cross, we ask for your presence and guidance. Help us to open our hearts to your love and your wisdom. As we reflect on Jesus falling for the second time, may we be inspired by his perseverance and his commitment to his mission, even in the face of great adversity. May we also be reminded of the ways in which we are called to persevere through our own struggles and difficulties, relying on your strength and grace to sustain us. We pray that you will be with us during this time of reflection, and that you will guide us on our journey of faith. Amen.

The Seventh Station of the Cross is when Jesus falls the second time. This station represents the physical and emotional toll that Jesus' journey to the cross was taking on him.

According to tradition, Jesus fell a second time while carrying the cross, unable to bear the weight and exhaustion any longer. This fall may have been even more painful than the first, as it would have reminded Jesus of his weakness and the gravity of his sacrifice.

This station reminds us of the difficult times we all face in our lives, and how sometimes we may stumble and fall despite our best efforts. It also reminds us of the importance of perseverance and resilience, as we must continue to pick ourselves up and keep moving forward, even in the face of adversity.

The lesson from this station is that we should never give up, even when we face seemingly insurmountable challenges. We should keep our eyes fixed on our goals, trusting in God's plan for us and drawing strength from our faith. Like Jesus, we may fall along the way, but we must always strive to get back up and continue on our journey, knowing that God is with us every step of the way.


🍁 Jesus Speaks to the Women of Jerusalem 

Eighth Station - Jesus Speaks to the Women of Jerusalem

Preparatory prayer

Dear God, as we approach the eighth station of the cross, we ask for your presence and guidance. Help us to open our hearts to your love and your wisdom. As we reflect on Jesus speaking to the women of Jerusalem, may we be reminded of the importance of compassion and empathy. Help us to see the ways in which we are called to care for those who are suffering, and to work for justice and peace in our world. We pray that you will be with us during this time of reflection, and that you will guide us on our journey of faith. Amen.

The Eighth Station of the Cross is when Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem. This station represents the compassion and concern that Jesus had for those who were suffering, even in the midst of his own pain and suffering.

According to tradition, as Jesus was carrying his cross, a group of women followed him, weeping and mourning. Jesus, seeing their grief and pain, stopped and spoke to them, saying, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children." He went on to speak of the destruction that would come upon the city of Jerusalem.

This moment is significant because it shows Jesus' deep empathy and compassion for those who were suffering. Despite his own immense pain and suffering, he took the time to speak to the women and offer them words of comfort and warning.

The lesson from this station is that we should always be aware of the suffering of others and strive to offer them comfort and support. Like Jesus, we should be willing to put aside our own pain and concerns to help those who are in need. We should also heed Jesus' warning about the consequences of our actions and work to create a world of peace and justice, where suffering is minimized and all people can live in dignity and security.


🍁 Jesus Falls the Third Time 

Ninth Station - Jesus Falls the Third Time

Preparatory prayer

Loving God, as we approach the ninth station of the cross, we ask for your presence and guidance. Help us to open our hearts to your love and your wisdom. As we reflect on Jesus falling for the third time, may we be reminded of the ways in which we can feel overwhelmed and discouraged by the challenges of life. Help us to find the strength to get back up when we fall, and to rely on your grace and love to sustain us through difficult times. We pray that you will be with us during this time of reflection, and that you will guide us on our journey of faith. Amen. 

The Ninth Station of the Cross is when Jesus falls for the third time. This station represents the physical and emotional exhaustion that Jesus was experiencing as he neared the end of his journey to the cross.

According to tradition, Jesus fell a third time while carrying the cross, perhaps even more weakened than before. This fall would have been a moment of great humiliation and despair for Jesus, reminding him of his vulnerability and humanity.

This station reminds us of the importance of persevering through difficult times, even when we feel completely exhausted and overwhelmed. It also reminds us of the power of humility and vulnerability, as Jesus demonstrated in his fall.

The lesson from this station is that we should never be afraid to show our weakness and vulnerability. Like Jesus, we should be willing to acknowledge our limitations and rely on the support of others when we need it. We should also strive to persevere through difficult times, trusting in God's strength to carry us through. Finally, we should remember that even in our moments of weakness and despair, we are never alone, as God is always with us, offering us comfort and support.


🍁 Jesus Is Stripped of His Garments 

Tenth Station - Jesus Is Stripped of His Garments

Preparatory prayer

Dear God, as we approach the tenth station of the cross, we ask for your presence and guidance. Help us to open our hearts to your love and your wisdom. As we reflect on Jesus being stripped of his garments, may we be reminded of the ways in which we are called to let go of our own attachments and desires, in order to follow you more closely. Help us to see the ways in which our own selfishness and pride can prevent us from fully embracing your love and your will for our lives. We pray that you will be with us during this time of reflection, and that you will guide us on our journey of faith. Amen.

The Tenth Station of the Cross is when Jesus is stripped of his garments. This station represents the utter humiliation and degradation that Jesus experienced as he was stripped of his clothing in public.

According to tradition, as Jesus reached the place of crucifixion, the Roman soldiers stripped him of his clothing, leaving him naked and exposed before the crowd. This act of stripping would have been particularly degrading, as it was a common practice used to humiliate criminals and those who were considered to be social outcasts.

This station reminds us of the importance of treating all people with dignity and respect, regardless of their social status or circumstances. It also reminds us of the power of empathy and compassion, as we should always seek to understand and connect with the experiences of those who are marginalized and oppressed.

The lesson from this station is that we should work to create a world where all people are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their background or circumstances. We should also strive to see the humanity in all people, recognizing that each person has inherent worth and value. Finally, we should seek to emulate the compassion and empathy that Jesus demonstrated throughout his life, working to build a more just and equitable society where all people can live in dignity and peace.

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