Sunday, February 3, 2019

The price of Holiness

What is The Price of Holiness?

While we no longer live under the strict rule of the Levitical code, let’s never forget that God still requires a high price for our holiness. It is a price we couldn’t pay, so Jesus did. Jesus is the gift and grace that God bestowed upon the world.He is the ruler of world. We live under the guidance of Him.
CHARACTER IS EVERYTHING-the measure of a man's character is what  we do when we know we won't be found out. out best index of one's character is how we treat people who can't do us any good!! how we treat people who can't fight back tells what our character really is!! You can easily judge the character of a man by how they treat those who can't do anything for them!!the way we treat people we think can't hurt us(surbodinates/house helps !! etc tells more about our character than how we treat people who we think are important!! Always always remember PRAYER IS VERY IMPORTANT/ESSENTIAL BUT PRAYER WITHOUT HOLINESS/CHARACTER AND OBEDIENCE TO THE WORD OF GOD IS A WASTE OF TIME!!
*Levitical code*
Going Deep // Focus: Leviticus 21:5-6:
Throughout leviticus chapter after chapter, often in verse following verse, again and again God gave Moses clear and exacting instructions on what the Israelites were required to do now that they had been set apart as a holy nation unto a holy God. Holiness—that is the big deal in Leviticus. God is holy, and his people must be made holy and kept holy—even in the minutiae of their lives.
That included, especially, the priest. As you read this chapter, to be a high priest or a regular priest, there was an exceedingly high price to pay for a lifestyle of continual holiness unto the Lord. They couldn’t eat some things—ever; couldn’t touch certain things—ever; and couldn’t marry “those” women—ever. Even if things happened to them, due to no fault of they own—a birth defect, a chipped tooth, a debilitating injury or disease—they were disqualified. *They had to be without defect. Their holiness demanded an impossibly high price*.  So does yours and mine. The Bible says that without holiness, no one will see God. The problem is, the price for holiness is too high for us. And even though we don’t live under the rules and regulations of holiness that were required of the Israelites, the price of holiness has not changed—the costs still have to be paid.

Let’s never forget that God still requires a high price for our holiness. We couldn’t pay it, so Jesus did. And we are clear of the charges to our account when we trust in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord.

But still, our salvation was anything but free. Someone had to pay; Someone did. And if you and I will never forget that, we will live out true holiness unto the Lord in the most beautiful, God-honoring way of all: *through a life of organic gratitude to God for our gift of salvation through Christ’s substitutionary death on the cross*
Going Deeper With God
Holiness exacts an impossibly high payment. You couldn’t pay it so Jesus did.
Therefore offer Him gratitude throughout the day—and every day for the rest of your life.
The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us
Living a holy life is possible by being strengthened and energized by the power of the  holy spirit and  spending life as we should. May it please the Great
Teacher, who has promised to “show us the path of life,” to bless us and through Him help someone to a pure and noble life and to the   accomplishment of all God’s design in giving them life.
Many times we may become wearied and think the toils of the way
almost too heavy; but when we remember that it is the way that Jesus trod,
then the heavens open to our view, we look forward to the mansion
prepared for us, and the toils of the way grow lighter.
See that aged pilgrim journeying down the western slope of life. The 
sun is nearing the setting. Long and toilsome has been his pilgrimage, but
he has walked in the path his Savior trod. For many years his life has been
hid with Christ in God. In Him he has lived and moved and had his being.
Now he is making his last step on the shore of time; he passes out of our
sight through the gates into that land where toils are ended and the sun
never sets. But his life was the life of Jesus. He was holy as God is holy, he
walked as Jesus walked. This is how to live. This is the true way of life and
the only way to life eternal.

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