Saturday, January 26, 2019

Salvation is of the Lord

Text: 1 Chronicle 4:9-10, 1 Samuel 1:9, 18, Jonah 2 :9
Subject: Salvation
Theme: Salvation is of The Lord
Intro: Salvation is God's gracious act of redeeming His people from satanic bondages and even God's punishment that suppose to come onto His children due to disobedience. Rom.3:23. For all have sinned and ..... to the glory of God. Eph. 2:8, For it is by Grace ye are save through faith and that not of yourselves but the spirit of God . Therefore salvation is from God through our faith.
No matter the situation, He who saves, will save us if only we will have the assurance in Him, that He is faithful.
1 Chronicle 4:9-10; Bible says Jabez was born honourable among his brethren but there came an utterance, declaration after his birth which turns every good fortune to bad one. Upliftment of Jabez became oppression and suppression, Grace to grass, acceptance to rejectance, anointing to annoyance etc.
Jabez realized that there is no name given to man from heaven and on earth that grants salvation (Acts 4:12). Jabez commune with God and there was a turn-around in his life. God blessed him and expanded his territory. Jabez was mentioned in the bibles due his prayer request. What are you also doing to turn negatives to positives?
If we come to our spiritual self to know that there is a problem but the only  answer is the Lord, God will redeem us out from every bondages, satanic encampments, evil utterances, demonic alters and thrones.
1Samuel 1:9,18; Hannah realised that all the afflictions she was passing through and her infertile womb will bring to her social embarrasment whereby in future she wouldn't have any to cater for her rather be regards as unworthy woman. Hannah realised that the only one to save her from this situation is God.
Bible says Hannah changed her location for prayers. Instead of sleeping as Elkannah and his 2nd wife was doing, she entered into the temple and prayed to God earnestly. Bible says God answered her prayer at that moment and even her mode changed. Oh what a mighty God we serve? May God who answers Hannah prayers answer your prayers in Jesus name. May God creates for you laughter as he did to Hannah.
Jonah 2:9 Jonah from his own wisdom ordain into himself God's punishment.  His trials became severe than he can bear. Bible says; Jonah 2:1-9 that Jonah realised his mistakes and acknowledged that there is no salvation from anywhere except the Lord. Jonah realised, salvation comes from God. Jonah prayed a prayer and JEHOVAH EL-SHADDAI, JEHOVAH ADDONAI, YAHWEH translated I AM THAT I AM, saved him from the roots of the mountains, the belly of the whale, from the deepest pit of the sea.
What are you facing or What are the challenges? Is it greater than you can bear? Is it greater than God? Know that where to gain answer to every situation under heaven is the Lord.  Remember that those that walk with the spirit of God are guarantee free from destructions and lose. Jonah 2:9 says salvation is the Lord, left for you to the assurance of faith in Him, trust in Him and he shall do it for us to glorify HIS Holy NAME. May God come to your situation and deliver you from every snare and pestilence of the devil in Jesus Name. AMEN.

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