Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Bible

What is The Bible?
The Bible is God's inspired revelation of the original destiny of all things. Here heaven is opened and the gates of hell disclosed. It is the travelers map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass, the soldiers sword and the Christians charter
The Bible is the power of God unto eternal salvation and the source of present help, for body, soul and spirit. Christ is its grand subject, man's good its design and the glory of God its end. It is a mine of wealth, the source of health and a world of pleasure
The Bible is God's will and testament to men in all ages, revealing the plan of God for man here and now, and in the next life. It will be opened at the judgment and it will last forever. It involves the highest responsibility, will reward for the least to the greatest of labor and will condemn all who trifle with its  sacred content
The Bible  is the record of God's dealings with man in the past, present and future. It contains his message of eternal salvation for all who believe in Christ, and eternal damnation for all who rebel against the gospel
As a literary composition, the Bible is most remarkable book ever made.
The Bible is the only book that reveals the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the soon of sinners, and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts binding, its histories true and its decisions immutable. It contains light to direct, spiritual food to sustain and comfort to cheer.
Man read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. Read it and it will fill your memory, rule your heart and guide your feet in righteous and true holiness.
Read it slowly, frequently, prayerfully, meditatively, searchingly, devotionally and study it constantly, perseveringly and industriously through and through - until it becomes a part of his being, generating faith that will move mountains.
What the Bible is not
The Bible is not an amulet, charm, fetish or anything to work wonders by its very presence alone. It does not claim to be such, it does claim that if one will study and practice its   teachings he will see wonders worked in his life both now and in the hereafter.
The Bible is not a book of chronological events or an unbroken series of divine utterances. It was given, here a little and there a little, to many men through eighteen centuries but regardless of this it forms a perfect unity.
9 "To whom will he teach knowledge, and to whom will he explain the message? Those who are weaned from the milk, those taken from the breast?   10 For it is precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little."   11 For by people of strange lips and with a foreign tongue the LORD will speak to this people,   (Isaiah 28:9-11, ESV)
The Bible is not a book of heavenly utterances in supernatural languages, it is God's revelation in the simplest human language possible.
The Bible is not a of mysteries, it explains its so-called mysteries, and is so self interpreting that no mystery remains.
The Bible is not a book that says one thing and mean another.
The Bible is not a specimen of God's skill as a writer or logician.. It is a book written by men who he used to recording his revelation.
The Bible is not a book of systematic discourses on any one subject, but it does give divine information on practically every subject.
The Bible is not a book adapted to the  taste, customs and habits of any one nation or people, it is not for any one age or period of time.

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