Monday, January 21, 2019

Theory of giving and receiving

Let's begin from today onwards THEORY OF GIVING AND RECEIVING
When we stop giving, we drop living.
Giving and receiving is the supernatural  exchange through which God blesses people with the things they need.
This means supplying needs gives us more than the reward work gives. Working rewards us but giving brings us something extra.
The world mocks believers for believing that God  gives gifts to them through the principle of giving and receiving.
The practice of giving and receiving is an expression of the grace of God.
The negative attitude of the world makes the supernatural away from the timeless secret of giving and receiving.
Giving is the act of being motivated by love to release earthly goods and spiritual things to God as a gesture of devotion, for the fulfilment of His will on earth and to others in order to empower them.
Giving to God is an act of devotion that proves our live for Him.
Giving to God also involves giving to those He calls to enable them execute His agenda on earth
We give to others because we love them.
We give to them to enable them fulfill their purpose and also solve problems.
Without giving, life comes to standstill.
The world expends energy in attacking believers on he issue of giving and receiving because it knows that *when we stop giving we stop living*
Someone will ask what is this fellow saying that when we stop giving we stop living, just like the dead sea which only receives and does not give, it is dead.
No life is in that sea that is why we call it dead sea, so therefore if you are a child of God or a living being and you do not give, you begin to die off.
This is what the word tells us,
Invest our money in business ventures with the aim of making profit.
Work hard to earn money,  the world don't believe that God gives money to people who sow seeds into other people's lives.
Engage in rigorous budgeting to conserve money.
Save money to the detriment of our families and the work of charity. Charity purifies your money.
The worldly way of getting and using money are directed at satisfying the individual and not God or another person
Personal investment, working, budgeting and saving can make you selfish and overemphasising them makes the purpose of our existence backslide.
We want you to know that any time you give you will receive and it comes in good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.
We must break the habit  of constantly thinking, "giving" and rather think, giving and receiving
As believers we must think giving and receiving and have the expectation of receiving from God and from others after giving and are always energised to believe God to reward your obedience. Those of us who only think giving get tired of giving and withdraw.
Get it clearer that giving and receiving goes together. Those who give should expert to receive. There is no spirituality or humility in giving to God and not expecting to receive anything from him
It is spiritually sound to expect to receive from God and others when we five in obedience to the word of God. God designed many things in nature to give and receive. When we plant seed we receive plants that yields more seed. A harvest period follows seedtime. Anything other than this is abnormal.
Note that whatever you give, you will receive. God bless you richly as you ponder on this word.

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